Here’s What They Found In This Canal After Draining It For The First Time

Published on 03/19/2021

On a gloomy day in Paris, a crowd has assembled to watch what is going on at the Canal Saint-Martin. All couldn’t keep their eyes off the scene that was happening in front of them. When the government emptied the canal, they all wished to see the muddy waters recede. What’s been hidden in the canal’s waters for so long? After two decades, they learned things about the canal that they had not expected. What exactly did they discover down there?

Here's What They Found In This Canal After Draining It For The First Time

Here’s What They Found In This Canal After Draining It For The First Time

It Was Time To Drain It

The officials examined them as the muddy waters receded. It’s not every day that the mysteries of the ocean’s waters are discovered. Residents heard of a new chapter in the city’s past when the building’s level became visible. Let’s pretend that none of them intended to find themselves in this situation.

It Was Time To Drain It

It Was Time To Drain It

An Important Source Of Water

The canal stretches for 4.5 kilometers. After Napoleon Bonaparte approved the proposal, it was constructed. This canal aimed to provide access to clean water to Paris’s 550,000 people. He was well informed, though, that the community would probably continue to increase in the future.

An Important Source Of Water

An Important Source Of Water

A Lot More To It Than That

He also wished that providing safe drinking water would aid in solving the city’s health challenges. There were several cases of cholera and dysentery at the time. The Canal Saint-Martin runs for nearly three miles through the district. At the time, it also supplied food and construction materials to Parisians all over the area.

A Lot More To It Than That

A Lot More To It Than That

Its Fascinating History

In the years that followed, two more canals were constructed for the same intent. Authorities were constructing the Canal Saint-Denis and the Canal de l’Ourcq. The above had a diameter of 3.4 meters and a length of 108 kilometers. It linked Port-Aux-Perches to the Bassin de la Villette, where it reached the Canal Saint-Martin. It helps to keep in mind that they’re all centuries old.

Its Fascinating History

Its Fascinating History

During The French Revolution

The most popular of the three canals is the Canal Saint-Martin. It ran underneath the field from the Arsenal Basin to the Place de la Bastille. Many citizens know the above as crucial moments in the French Revolution, from 1789 to 1799. An unprovoked assault on the jail happened right here. It has a long and distinguished history, as you can see. People became curious to see what was hidden under the surface for this purpose.

During The French Revolution

During The French Revolution

What The Canals Are Like Now

Locals and visitors alike regularly visit the canal. Young Parisians gather in groups regularly on the Seine’s banks and in neighboring cafes. Foreigners, on the other hand, are more interested in capturing sights and bridges. Why did the government take the water from it in the first place?

What The Canals Are Like Now

What The Canals Are Like Now

All The Weird Things At The Bottom

In its two decades of history, the canal has undergone many changes. Authorities try to empty it every ten to fifteen years. They’d wipe out whatever had accrued at the bottom. This was not, however, a regular cleaning job. What was it in this age that was so different from the rest?

All The Weird Things At The Bottom

All The Weird Things At The Bottom

The Draining Procedure

Paris, often regarded as the “City of Light,” conceals a plethora of important secrets. Some of them were hidden by the muddy canal waters. The Parisians were puzzled about what was under their favorite Canal Saint-Martin. From away, you could see the draining mechanism. If they go, what will they find?

The Draining Procedure

The Draining Procedure

Waste From The First World War

In 2001, the canal was filled for the first time. At the time, they were able to strip over 40 tons of waste from the river. Among the interesting discoveries were bullets, bombshells, and gold pennies from the First World War. Not just that, but they also found a vehicle from the same era. That hasn’t existed in a long time. What else could they find in the water?

Waste From The First World War

Waste From The First World War

How Much It Cost Them

The canal’s huge task of being drained began. The disposal of about 3 million cubic feet of water will take three months. It was important, even though the city had to invest more than $10 million on it. The audience was intrigued to discover what had been locked in the canal for so long…

How Much It Cost Them

How Much It Cost Them

People Gathered To Look

On January 7, they drained the canal’s excess water. They eventually discovered the mysteries of the waterway after 15 years. They drew people from all walks of life to the bridges. They decided to investigate what the police had figured out. Curiosity was killing everybody.

People Gathered To Look

People Gathered To Look

A Surreal Moment

It must have been a massive event. After all, you don’t have to see the Canal Saint-Martin without some water every day. People were in awe of what they were doing. It was odd to see the canal’s bottom. What was on the canal’s floor piqued their curiosity.

A Surreal Moment

A Surreal Moment

The Living Things In The Water

The crew had to clear the canal until they left just 50 centimeters of water. They waded through the river, looking for the artifacts and living “stuff” that had made themselves at home there. The working team netted about five tons of carp, salmon, and bream! They then transferred the fish to safer breeding grounds. They carefully measured and named the fish before relocating it. And if the current venue wasn’t suitable for them, it was much better than the alternative.

The Living Things In The Water

The Living Things In The Water

People Threw Garbage Into The Water

They contained numerous everyday items in the water’s depths. Bicycles were among the items on display. They were from the city’s Vélib car-sharing scheme. It turned out. In 2007, the initiative brought nearly 14,500 bikes to the city’s highways. Regrettably, they found themselves in unusual situations.

People Threw Garbage Into The Water

People Threw Garbage Into The Water

The Most Bizarre Findings

As the irrigation process continued, further things emerged. There were mopeds, bicycles, and wheelie bins at the canal’s bottom! There was even a bathroom in there. It was important to have it back because it had added to the canal’s murkiness. It felt that its appearance there was funny. This wasn’t the only surprising discovery down there, however. They also found larger artifacts at the bottom.

The Most Bizarre Findings

The Most Bizarre Findings

How They Must Have Gotten There

“It’s like a strange submarine treasure,” a source told The Guardian. “I can’t believe the number of Vélibs there,” he said. I’m guessing they were robbed and then tossed in. It’s strange.” Furthermore, bicycles were not the only unusual items that made it to the bottom.

How They Must Have Gotten There

How They Must Have Gotten There

Paris Is Filthy

“That’s Paris for you,” said an onlooker named Bernard.” “He went on to say, “It’s disgusting.” In recent years, it seems to have gotten worse. He was also there the first time they drained the well. “I don’t recall finding that much trash in it the last time,” he said. “I’m in despair. It’s being used as a garbage can by the youth.”

Paris Is Filthy

Paris Is Filthy

Even Weirder Than The Bikes

If you think bicycles were weird, wait until you know that they have rescued a pair of bikes from down there. Who knows how those objects ended up there? We’re hoping somebody can come forward to explain what happened to them. Stuff just got crazier and crazier from there.

Even Weirder Than The Bikes

Even Weirder Than The Bikes

So Much Trash

They didn’t discover only alive animals and odd objects down there, of course. They expected that they would find certain objects. Examples cover plastic bags, traffic cones, and glass bottles. None of the results appeared to pique anyone’s attention. The odd things piqued everyone’s curiosity, and they were happy to speak about them!

So Much Trash

So Much Trash

A Random Office Chair

To begin with, neither of them had any idea how an office chair had ended up there. The revelation was met with skepticism by the observers. Is it likely that this was sent to the 10th arrondissement by an office worker? The idea might seem absurd to you, but just thinking about it made us smile.

Random Office Chair

A Random Office Chair

There Was A Suitcase

Coming up with ideas on how this stuff got there is a lot of fun. As they started to clear the water, another curious object appeared from under the murkiness. At the canal’s bottom, they came across a very revolting backpack. Is it there that someone tossed it there?

There Was A Suitcase

There Was A Suitcase

A Traffic Cone

This is yet another unusual item that leaves people losing their minds. A crew member had no alternative but to retrieve this traffic cone from the canal’s foundation. Who knows where it came from. We’re going for a thief who feels forced to kill the proof as fast as possible.

A Traffic Cone

A Traffic Cone

A True Shopping Destination

A shopping trolley is also accessible on the Canal Saint-Martin floor. People’s curiosity in the story was piqued as a result of this. Did a shopper unintentionally drive their car into the canal after throwing their bags into it? In either case, this means that Paris is a fantastic shopping spot.

A True Shopping Destination

A True Shopping Destination

Save The Fish

Workers drained the water from the Canal Saint-Martin until they left just 20 inches of water. First and foremost, they needed to get the fish to safety. The cleaning team fished for carp, salmon, and bream for three days in the water. They apprehended the animals and moved them to another part of the river.

Save The Fish

Save The Fish

Swimming There Might Be Possible

And although seeing the garbage in the canal was depressing, there is room to be positive. The findings brought the city’s waste epidemic to light. Authorities took advantage of the opportunity to discuss the issue. “We could be able to swim in the canal in a few years if everybody pitches in and stops tossing something into the water,” Celia Blauel told MailOnline. She is the mayor’s assistant.

Swimming There Is Possible

Swimming There Might Be Possible

It Was An Expensive Process

If the canal had not been depleted, no one would have known how bad the issue was. The canal area is, in reality, considered prime real estate. It came at a high cost to the Parisians. Just real estate assets in the arrondissement demand values as high as $9,000 a square foot. We’re positive they had no idea these things were so close to their houses.

It Was An Expensive Process

It Was An Expensive Process

Why The Area Is Expensive

The river has always been green and enticing, which adds to the property’s high price. Several musicians have cited it as a source of inspiration. The bank’s walls are covered with street art, and it has a huge interactive gallery devoted to artwork.

Why The Area Is Expensive

Why The Area Is Expensive

It Took Two Decades

Over the span of two decades, all three waterways were filled through the city’s length. When paired, they cover a distance of over 80 miles. Canal Saint-Martin is the most well-known of the three. This 68-mile canal links the Seine River and the Canal de l’Ourcq.

It Took Two Decades

It Took Two Decades

Both Tourists And Parisians

The Canal Saint-Martin has drawn both Parisians and visitors since its conception. It’s still got a certain allure to it. All are staring at the badges. They were also capable of passing across all of the gates and road bridges they passed along the way.

Both Tourists And Parisians

Both Tourists And Parisians

The Amazing Nightlife

If you’re acquainted with Paris, you’ll know that the Canal Saint-Martin neighborhood has a thriving nightlife scene. The once-quiet neighborhood will now draw a huge amount of young people. Many citizens thought that this would only add to the pollution in the canal. In 2016, they found out that this was the case.

The Amazing Nightlife

The Amazing Nightlife

Construction Of The Canal

Napoleon I, the French emperor, ordered the canal’s construction to begin in 1802. At the moment, Paris had a population of about 550,000 inhabitants. The figure did not seem to be decreasing any time soon. The waterway, Napoleon claimed, would carry freshwater to the city and promote the inhabitants’ public wellbeing.

Construction Of The Canal

Construction Of The Canal

The Route

The canal stretches from the Bassin de l’Arsenal on the Seine to just below La Bastille. The latter is the site of a French Revolution-era jail that was abandoned. It then appears near the Place de la République before rising to the north to the Bassin de la Villette. There, it crosses the Canal de l’Ourcq.

The Route

The Route

Strange Things In The Water

What was the first thing that piqued your interest? Just in case you forget, they found tables, shopping carts, suitcases, garbage cans, showers, cars, and bikes at the bottom. In addition to the previously listed products, there was an antique stereo on the floor. When you go there, you never know what you’ll see.

Strange Things In The Water

Strange Things In The Water

Way Too Many Bottles And Cans

When draining the water from the Canal Saint-Martin, they uncovered a huge number of cans and bottles. If you know how many people there were? We have our suspicions that you replied to the question right. After all, they uncovered hundreds of thousands of these things down there.

Bottles And Cans

Way Too Many Bottles And Cans

How Long It Is

The three-mile-long Canal Saint-Martin cuts through the center of the city. It passes through the arrondissement of the 10th, which is known for being a fashionable area. The area’s nightlife and tourist destinations have recently gained attention. For your next ride to the City of Lights, don’t forget it!

How Long It Is

How Long It Is

More Interesting Finds

More and more objects were unearthed and discovered in the muddy water as people clustered by the canal to get a closer look at what was going on. Once every 10-15 years, the river is drained and washed, allowing the public plenty of time to throw, destroy, and drop all sorts of strange things into the river. An old-school stereo is sunken on the muddy field here. We’re left wondering how it got there in the first place.

More Interesting Finds

More Interesting Finds

Crowds Gathering

Understandably, the locals will be interested in learning more about the drainage and cleaning process – after all, who wouldn’t be? Onlookers crowded around the canal as contractors continued their jobs, witnessing the entire thing unfold. Maybe Parisians were searching for a long-lost thing in the middle of the chaos? Maybe they were only looking for a soothing mode of entertainment that involved some time spent outside? We’re sure we’d enjoy seeing such an occurrence.

Crowds Gathering

Crowds Gathering

Vintage Items

Even though such a procedure is repeated often, given the canal’s age, antique objects such as this camera are still discovered during the cleaning. It’s perplexing to understand how these things came to be at the bottom of the canal in the first place, particularly considering that they predate the canal’s last cleaning. For all we know, men lose stuff in the canal regularly, both deliberately or unintentionally. Somehow, there are still objects uncovered that are older than anticipated.

Vintage Items

Vintage Items

Sentimental Discoveries

When the canal’s 90,000 cubic meters of water are drained, more and more things appear and are found. You’d expect to find old and filthy things, and you’d be right. There were, however, several other, more shocking findings. Take, for example, this stuffed bunny. It seems to be pretty recent, in contrast to anything else we’ve seen so far. The comparison between the nearly clean stuffed animal and the dirty-looking motorcycle underneath it is almost chilling in this photograph.

Sentimental Discoveries

Sentimental Discoveries

Anger Management

If you ask us, this image portrays the full picture. To be honest, you might make a whole story out of it. The muddy chair, immersed in the filthy sea… It’s absolutely coated in moss… When you think about it, it’s very haunting. Again, our thoughts stray to several scenarios that may have resulted in this chair being thrown into the canal in the first place. Would that have been a stressful situation? Is it possible that it was a horrific accident? There are a plethora of options.

Anger Management

Anger Management

Lengthy Ordeal

Staff would spend hours checking that all is going according to schedule as the water is steadily pumped into the River Seine. From relocating fish trapped in the canal to entirely renovating the canal’s four double locks, there has been a lot of work completed. Naturally, they must replace any worn-out minor pieces. From start to finish, the whole procedure will take about three months.

Lengthy Ordeal

Lengthy Ordeal

Team Effort

Given the magnitude of this undertaking, it’s only natural that a large number of individuals will be interested in its completion as you can see in this shot, thousands, if not hundreds, of people, are working to ensure that everything is completed properly and effectively. Not to mention without putting anyone’s safety in jeopardy. Although the machinery is used for the majority of the operation, there are several activities that individuals cannot complete on their own equipment.

Team Effort

Team Effort

Heavy Lifting

It’s a risky phase to go through, and too many things can go south at any time. This is the first time the canal has been drained since 2001. Understandably, such an occurrence will be thrilling, provided that it happens only once every decade or so. To carry on such a huge mission, the staff must make various arrangements. It is not easy for the municipality to purchase all of the required machinery and equipment.

Heavy Lifting

Heavy Lifting

Other Locations

After we’ve seen what happened in the Parisian canal each decade or so, it’s only natural that other countries clean out their water supplies and drains regularly. When washing sinks and pipes in the United Kingdom, several odd items have been uncovered. In fact, there are some things you wouldn’t expect to find in such a place. Let’s have a look at some of the products uncovered by drain cleaning firms.

Other Locations

Other Locations


Nobody criticizes someone for intentionally hurting wildlife, so what is one of the most common items found in drains? Wildlife This isn’t exclusive to the United Kingdom; it occurs worldwide. And it’s not just cats and dogs; cows and sheep are used as well. Many animals have been saved from drains with no injuries. Alligators are said to prowl the sewers in the United States, but most people dismiss this as an urban legend.



Solid Gold

they built sewers to accumulate garbage, but not all of it is useless. Staff at a treatment center in Japan received 5 million yen in gold in 2009. When they found the precious metal, they were extracting sludge. They were able to use the metal because there were so many precision machinery makers in the region. Per ton of garbage, they discovered 1,890 grams of gold!

Solid Gold

Solid Gold

Luxury Watches

In reality, the sewers carry more fortune than we think. Aaron Large, a drain specialist, discovered four luxury watches in England’s drains in 2012. There weren’t just ordinary timepieces. They included a £21,000 Rolex Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph in 18-carat gold, as well as another Rolex and two other high-end products that he discovered a few days later. One of the watches was eventually traced to its rightful owner while discovering the remaining three to be faked. Despite this, Aaron’s boss thanked him for his efforts.

Luxury Watches

Luxury Watches

Half A Car

It points out that some obstructions are larger than the others in gutters and streams. In 2014, for example, a drain cleaning firm uncovered half of a scrapped Mini vehicle, making it one of the largest objects ever discovered in London. Although a remarkable achievement, unblocking the capital’s sewers that year cost £70 million. We’re sure the guy who parked the car regretted it later.

Half A Car

Half A Car

Random Jaw Bones

Understandably, certain objects discovered in sewers cannot be marked, no matter how much time is spent inspecting and observing them. That was the case in 2009 when they uncovered a strange jaw bone in a drain in Canada. The bone may have originated from a variety of herbivorous species. Bone findings aren’t as shocking in Canada since the country is known for having a higher-than-average distribution of dinosaur remains. Finding a bone in a finished cave, on the other hand, is rare.

Random Jaw Bones

Random Jaw Bones