While Searching For Lake Monster Turkish Divers Find 3,000 Year Old Historical Creature

Published on 04/20/2020

Diving In

Diving In 2

Diving In 2


Legend has it, there are sunken cities beneath the waters of many lakes. This is usually a matter of fairytale, or so we would think. Located in Eastern Turkey, you will find the largest lake in the entire country.

These divers never would have that they would discover this when they dove beneath the water.

The Legend

The Legend

The Legend

The salty content in Lake Van keeps the water from freezing and allows species to live inside. For nearly a century there’s been a myth about the monster living beneath the water.

This was nothing but a rumor, a tale to scare children. Some people did not think it was just a rumor. These archeologists surely didn’t and they decided to go take a look for themselves.

Down Under

Down Under

Down Under

For years people were sure that they saw a monster in the lake. Such talk led the curious underwater photographer Tahsin Ceylan to check it out for herself.

The diving team entered the water and dove down deep below the surface.

Moving Closer

Moving Closer

Moving Closer

From a distance, one diver noticed a shadow. They moved closer. Moments later they were in awe of what they saw before them.

They approached their view with trepidation. Ceylan and the divers looked at one another with the curious eyes.

Not What It Seems

Not What It Seems

Not What It Seems

While they intended to find a sea monster, this was not what they found even at all. Instead, they stumbled upon a castle.

The divers ‘ curiosity grew stronger. They were determined to find out more.