Utterly Hilarious Windshield Notes You Need to See

Published on 03/23/2017

We’ve all been there, felt the rage boil over when someone executes a horrific parking job, it’s enough to make us want to lash out. And lash out, these people have…with the windshield notes they left behind. Take a look at the most brilliant and hilarious windshield notes to have ever been left behind, they’re insanely good.


It’s safe to say that this note is brilliant beyond all measures because not only is it using Liam Neeson’s brilliance, it’s also terrifying.



That’d Be Great

Yeah, it’s a general rule of thumb that you really should just park your car as is intended! Then windshield such as this wouldn’t have to get left behind.

Thatd Be Great

That’d Be Great

The General Public

Just cut it out and if you don’t, we recommend looking up some cheap car insurance while at driver’s ed because classes clearly taught you nothing.

The General Public

The General Public

The Meteorologist

Check out this business card, it’s all kinds of evil and genius. Mocking a natural disaster is just low, buddy.

The Meteorologist

The Meteorologist

Let’s Rhyme

To be fair, the note did start in a rhyme (plagiarized maybe but still). Then it ventured down the avenue of bluntness and skewed off its rhyme, although, it made its message clear. Maybe if they spent less time scrutinizing online auto insurance and more time focusing on driver’s ed, this note would have never happened.

Let's Rhyme

Let’s Rhyme

Sincerely, Bob

Solid start for Bob here. However, after the introduction, it all takes a rather disturbing turn. The ending of the windshield note is solid though. It’s the middle bits that have us worried.




We’re definitely feeling many emotions over here, ranging from pity to uncontrollable laughter. Just the fact that this person had cards such as this printed is cause for either worry or joy.



Point Made

Hmm, this particular windshield note has two underlying components. One – the guy is happy to act like a movie star as he slides across someone’s hood, it’s pretty cool. Two – he wrote the note in all caps and the sarcasm is heard loud and clear.

Caps Lock For Emphasis

Caps Lock For Emphasis


A decent introduction, a solid first paragraph, a good transition to the second paragraph, and a soul-crushing conclusion. Yikes. And that drawing on the bottom? Well, that just takes the cake.



Just For You

While this may not be the traditional windshield note, it’s still hilarious. The fact that this person had chalk in their car and instantly thought of how they could “stick it to the man” is admirable.

Just For You

Just For You


Oh look, two thank you’s and hearts?! Shucks, this note is brimming with love – oh no, wait. Once you read it all in its entirety, you know that this person is not amused on any level whatsoever.

Dear Driver

Dear Driver

Grammar Police

When it comes to the English language, this note is all kinds of entertaining and properly written to boot. We have to side with the note writer as this note is brilliant beyond all comprehension.

Dont Make People Doubt Their Grammar

Dont Make People Doubt Their Grammar

That’s Cold

Oh, man, this note really hits you in all the feels. The person who stole this parking spot should really think twice, about themselves as a human being that is.

Thats Cold

That’s Cold

School Day

Think back to when you were a 16-year-old and high school was filled with drama, acne, love, and sleep deprivation. Then think a little harder, high school was also a game of cat and mouse when it came to finding a parking spot. Especially when you rolled up and saw ~this~ mess. We feel your pain, buddy, oh boy do we.

School Day

School Day

Just Park Your Car

Ahem, well then. At the end of the day, we think what this person is really trying to say is, just park your car as is expected by the norms of society.

For The Good Of Society Park Your Darn Car

For The Good Of Society Park Your Darn Car

Tony Says

Tony sounds like a bad person, to say the least. Sorry, someone had to say it. Don’t pretend like you weren’t thinking it too! We all know you were.

Tony Says

Tony Says

Turtle Turtle

Turtles are very cute and three-year-olds’ can be as well. But, when you’re being compared to one, it’s just not nice. Although this windshield note has proven its point.

Turtle Turtle

Turtle Turtle

Two Kinds Of People

In today’s world, there are two kinds of people. Those who need to elaborate in detail the misery you have caused them. And those who take a more direct approach. For this parker, he got both.

Two Kinds Of People

Two Kinds Of People

Good One.

Why write a note when you can have special business cards printed for such an occurrence? In this case, this business card is really mean, like really mean but it does get the message across.

Good One

Good One

Ahem, Well Then

Where do we even start with this one? Not only is this not a windshield note but it’s also seriously savage. And that’s about all we have to say on that matter, for shame sir.

Helen Keller Deserves Better

Helen Keller Deserves Better

Honorary Member

Just in case the Beetle owner tried to pass off this windshield note to someone else, the note writer took care of that problem. Way to think ahead!

Honorary Member

Honorary Member


Facebook may have launched different emotions for us to choose from regarding a friend’s status, but they have yet to create a dislike button. It’s the most important button of all – this guy has the right idea. Well, you know, kind of.

Facebook Button Approved

Facebook Button Approved

YO, Rich Dude

When you’ve got a fancy BMW, it’s safe to say your pockets are a bit deep. And as a crap parker – you need to seriously think about the poor little grandmother who will now suffer as she goes to visit her granddaughter. Well done.

YO, Rich Dude

YO, Rich Dude


There’s no standing rule that says you have to leave your note on a piece of paper – all forms and methods are acceptable. Although maybe you shouldn’t stick to cheap car insurance just in case someone decides to do more than leave a note. In any case, this “note” is simple, hilarious, and effective. A gold star winner indeed!

LOLZ For Dayz

LOLZ For Dayz


Out of the six options clearly listed on this note, let’s hope you never get one marked, “all of the above.” You know why? Because it will confirm that you. are. the. worst. parker. in. the. world.




Attention – this is the kind of note that no one wants to find on their windshield, while it might be totally hilarious, it’s also totally rude. Although maybe that’s a good thing?



Windshield Meme

When it comes to leaving behind a windshield note that’s actually a meme – this one is the winner. Hands down.

Parking Meme To The Rescue

Parking Meme To The Rescue

Peanut Butter Jelly Time

What kind of monster leaves behind peanut butter as a note?! I mean, how horrible. If it was me, I’d look into a new car insurance quote to cover such instances.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Potato Patato

We’re not entirely sure how to feel with this peculiar note. Actually, can you even call it a note? At the end of the day, it’s just downright creepy.

Potato Patato

Potato Patato

Pretty Please

Just the kindest and simplest of notes left behind that really make you feel bad for the note leaver.

Pretty Please

Pretty Please

Seasons Greetings

Yikes, yikes, yikes. If it wasn’t so darn terrifying, it would be funny but we’re all a little too scared to laugh at such a threat.

Seasons Greetings

Seasons Greetings

I Promise

Meet the windshield note that sounds like a promise. I’d think about looking into online auto insurance options before things escalate in unimaginable terms.

I Promise

I Promise


We’re pretty sure this is a sarcastic and rhetorical question but then again, one should never assume.



Short And To The Point

First of all, this note just says it all. Then again, “crappily” is not a word but kudos for trying.

Short And To The Point

Short And To The Point

Not That Difficult

There’s just no way that you missed this class during driver’s ed as it really is a given.

Not That Difficult

Not That Difficult

Some Things Just Hurt To Read

“Have some mercy, you’re ruining my life.” Well, that just takes the icing off the cake! In conclusion, this note is perfection if it wasn’t so sad.

Some Things Just Hurt To Read

Some Things Just Hurt To Read

Sir T Rex

When Sir T Rex gets on the case and leaves behind a well crafted note then all is well in the world. Right?

Sir T Rex

Sir T Rex

Spidy Sense

For the benefit of all society, please heed your friendly local Spiderman’s advice and park like a normal human being! Simple enough.



Stop Being A Jerk

First of all, this person took matters into their own hands when they saw an injustice being committed. However, let’s hope that the bad parker learned his lesson and it doesn’t happen again.

Stop Being A Jerk

Stop Being A Jerk

Take The Bus

Hashtag – parking chronicles, now that’s just got to the most genius business card we’ve ever laid eyes on.

Take The Bus

Take The Bus

Think Of The Ice Cream

For anyone who has ever come home with melted ice cream, we feel your pain ten fold. Please think about your actions and decisions next time because such unintended pain is not acceptable.

Think Of The Ice Cream

Think Of The Ice Cream

Very British

Parking with manners is a new one! Definitely don’t remember that lesson in driver’s ed.

Very British

Very British

Windshield Note Glory

Oh look! A bookmark. However this is the kind of bookmark no one wants to carry around, let alone find on their windshield.

Windshield Glory

Windshield Glory

Word Doc

As far as Word Documents go, this one is priceless. Furthermore, actually, no we don’t have anything more to add, the note says it all.

Word Doc

Word Doc

You Got Lucky

Being tired happens to us all but at least you got your point across by leaving behind this windshield note.

You Got Lucky

You Got Lucky

Aww Little Bunny

Well, that’s a dose of truth right there! If a cute bunny can’t fix your terrible parking then we’re pretty sure nothing can. At all.

Aww Little Bunny

Aww Little Bunny

Just Use Whatever’s Handy

Where do the rules say you have to use paper to leave behind a windshield note? Pretty sure there is no rule book. Although you might need your car insurance to get the pad off your windshield. Well you might!

Just Use Whatevers Handy

Just Use Whatevers Handy

Clever Jack

Oh man, this is just what society has come to now, hasn’t it? Fake leaving car insurance details. Maybe they have a good reason? Although I’m not sure what would be appropriate in this case.

Clever Jack

Clever Jack

Nature VS Nurture

Sorry but some things are just better left unsaid. I mean, how often do you do things with the hood of your car anyways? How would this note help this person in any way? Yikes.

Nature VS Nurture

Nature VS Nurture

Blind Jokes, Always Good

If you thought the Helen Keller note was terrible, here’s a Stevie Wonder one for you. You had to have known this would be coming. But come on people, that’s just hitting below the belt.

Blind Jokes Always Good

Blind Jokes Always Good

She Told You

First of all, just don’t mess with Corrine. She’s had enough of your bull. And don’t bother writing her any more tickets, she’ll just get them excused. Just walk away, officer, just walk away.

She Told You

She Told You


Just in case you can’t read the handwriting, we’ll sum up the windshield note for you. One, they are in a super-packed parking lot. Two, they applaud this person’s parking ability. Three, as they did not use just one parking spot. Four, no that’s not a point. FOUR is how many parking spots this person took up!



St. Judes

Err, this person actually wrote a hex on this guy’s windshield not. And the paper they used is for St. Judes! The children’s hospital that specializes in research for a cure for cancer. That’s just not even right, how dare you use that paper!

St. Judes

St. Judes

Please Don’t Rob Me

I mean, this person is being honest. They’re aware of their broken window but they also know that there is nothing of value in the car. Unless you need a wipe. Then just take one.

Please Dont Rob Me

Please Don’t Rob Me

Let’s Play A Game

Are you sure it’s a good idea to mess with the traffic warden? I don’t think scaring them is going to work either.

Lets Play A Game

Let’s Play A Game

Spot The Dog

I’m not sure how a picture of a dog is going to help this person park better? Yes, we see that you were trying to be witty with the whole “spot” joke but it didn’t really work. Sorry, not sorry.

Spot The Dog

Spot The Dog

The Yankees

When you move to a new neighborhood, or rather a new state, it’s wise to learn the new rules. For instance, if a parking spot has been shoveled, it is not yours to take. But then again, this person did just say the Yankees suck… Hmm.

The Yankees

The Yankees

She Doesn’t Even Go Here

You don’t even live on this block! Go home. You’re just taking up useful spaces that others could take. Be a good human being and get out.

She Doesnt Even Go Here

She Doesnt Even Go Here

Nice Job

That is one well thought out windshield note. It would be totally cute if it wasn’t so savage. Then again, why can’t it be both?

Nice Job

Nice Job

Could You Though?

Just answer the question. Because everyone and their mother could answer this question in a heartbeat. However you, you not so much.

Could You Though

Could You Though

The Dent Of Justice

Who would have known that beaches could be so fun? Thanks for reminding us, while you scratched someone’s car. Although the driver did take up two spots so we suppose we understand what went wrong. And this note isn’t even as vile as others, it’s actually witty. We give a 7 out of 10.

The Dent Of Justice

The Dent Of Justice

Real Smooth Buddy

This is definitely not an achievement you go running home to share with your spouse. It’s more of a, “I will never tell a living soul and keep this to myself. But first, I need to burn this windshield note before anyone notices.”

Real Smooth Buddy

Real Smooth Buddy

No Ticket Please

Thanks for trying but it looks like the police officer didn’t listen. Maybe it just came across as too desperate? Or too far fetched? In any case, we applaud your effort, even if it crashed and burned. Was worth a try!

No Ticket Please

No Ticket Please

Parking Pig

That windshield note could have been so much worse, consider yourself lucky. And really, did you need to take up two spots? Nope, you really didn’t. Yet you did and have ruined someone else’s day. Try to remember that your actions have consequences!

Parking Pig

Parking Pig


A camel flea curse? Yikes. That sounds….unpleasant. Just in case you couldn’t read the writing, it finished off with, “Space as you should know, is hard to come by. May the fleas of a thousand camels invade your armpits.” Told you it was unpleasant.



An Appeal To Us All

We’ve all been there. When the sudden and desperate urge to use the toilet for a number two hits, you can’t ignore it. Let’s just hope this individual wasn’t ticketed. That would be the cherry on top, or something like that.

An Appeal To Us All

An Appeal To Us All

The Bottom Below Rock Bottom

No, really. Thanks for checking, you wanna-be-thief. Although this dingy, old car has nothing of value inside of it, at all. Just keep on walking, pal!

The Bottom Below Rock Bottom

The Bottom Below Rock Bottom

X Ray Machine

This x-ray machine is something else. Something never seen, although it pretty much sums up a whole lot of brains in the world.

X Ray Machine

X Ray Machine

The Fast And The Furious

Now this windshield note really brings new meaning to The Fast And The Furious flicks. Just think about it and it’ll click real soon.

Fast And The Furious

The Fast And The Furious

Yeah That’s A Violation

The amount of room this person took up sounds pretty enormous. It’s gotta be more than two, right? We do have to applaud this person for coming up with a nifty “parking violation” ticket. They seem to have a lot of time on their hands!

Yeah Thats A Violation

Yeah That’s A Violation