70 Superfoods You Should Eat To Help Prevent Heart Attacks

Published on 10/29/2018

If you are looking for a nutritional way that can help you fight against heart disease or if you just want to improve your diet with really delicious superfoods, then you came to the right place. These superfoods are not only naturally sourced, but they also have a lot of nutrients and antioxidants which can boost your immunity and improve your health. According to studies, it can be easy to prevent heart-related issues such as high blood pressure, clogged arteries, high cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes. All you need to do is change your diet and encourage healthy habits. So we have searched the web and found some hearty superfoods that can help kick-start a new healthy regimen. Keep reading to find out which foods are heart-healthy superfoods.


Oranges are a refreshing and delicious way to get your new health kick started. Not only is the fruit thirst-quenching, but it is also bursting with nutrients, fiber, and vitamin C. It has high levels of pectin, a soluble fiber which helps absorbs the cholesterol in food. The superfruit also contains a lot of potassium, which helps in flushing out sodium, lowering blood pressure, and neutralizing proteins that may cause heart scar tissue development or heart failure.




Kale is one of the cabbage family’s heartiest members. It is also packed with nutrients which can help keep your cardiovascular system healthy and even put a stop to heart disease. Even though kale is a bit more difficult to source at times, the health benefits of this leafy green make it certainly worth it. In fact, Kale is a vegetable that is really heart-boosting since it is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. You should also know that it is low in calories and fat, which is why a lot of people are already obsessed with it and have been adding it to their meals!





Even though garlic might be popular for naturally repelling vampires, it also doubles as a superfood with heart-boosting properties. Aside from being an important addition to many cooking recipes, garlic also helps reduce blood pressure and lower the level of plaque in your arteries. Garlic can also bring down the level of enzymes that can constrict blood vessels. If it is consumed in the form of a pill, studies show that garlic helps reduce the build-up of plaque in arteries as high as 50%.




Red Wine

It might be perfect for helping you relax and unwind when you’ve had a rather long day or for accompanying your favorite dish, but the occasional and moderate red wine intake could also help keep the doctor away. In fact, some experts say that when done in moderation, drinking red wine can help boost HDL levels and prevent cholesterol build up. Red wine also has anti-oxidants that can help prevent blood clots by making sure that blood vessels remain flexible and can ward off coronary heart disease. Well then. We can’t really ignore what experts say…

Red Wine

Red Wine


Great news for chocoholics! Not only can the sweet treat give you a happy fix instantly, but it can also lower your risk of strokes and heart disease! A study from Harvard revealed that people who had a regular intake of some raw cocoa showed no hypertension signs and had lower blood pressure. Because dark chocolate is naturally loaded with antioxidants called flavnols, eating a moderate amount of it can help lower blood pressure, boost flexibility of blood vessels, and ultimately ward off heart-related diseases.




Even though for some people, sardines are an acquired taste, studies have indicated that large amounts of healthy heart-boosting nutrients can actually be found in the cold fish. As a matter of fact, sardines are bursting with omega 3 fatty acids, a type of fat that can decrease the harmful triglyceride levels, increase good cholesterol or protective HDL levels, decrease inflammation and ultimately help put a stop to heart disease.





Aside from being a great way to jazz up any dish or salad, lentils also have a number of added health benefits. According to studies, people whose diet is rich in legumes such as beans or lentils are less at risk of developing strokes or heart disease. Actually, lentils are a great source of protein, potassium, and magnesium, and they can help lower blood pressure, decrease cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of forming plaque in blood vessels.




Arguably one of the nut family’s tastiest members, studies have shown that almonds also contain high levels of healthy nutrients which can help boost memory and intelligence, and reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. So if you eat one handful of almonds, it can help reduce cholesterol. In addition, because its level of plant sterols is high, it prevents absorption of harmful LDL and helps minimize the risk for cardiovascular disease.




A refreshing twist that can be added to a salad, smoothie, or shake is pomegranates. In case you didn’t know, this superfood also contains a unique mix of antioxidants which can protect against plaque oxidation in the walls of arteries and ward off heart disease. Studies have also shown that the unique fruit also helps in the prevention of Alzheimer’s, strokes, prostate cancer, and diabetes, as well as the promotion of healthy skin and joints, and liver and dental health.




Blueberries are superfood bursting with nutrients and anti-oxidants. Studies have shown that consuming three servings of this super fruit or other berries every week can also reduce cholesterol build up, lower blood pressure, and protect against plaque buildup on arterial walls. The scrumptious fruit can also help in eliminating some causes of cancer and lowering heart disease risk.




These purple superstars contain high levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, including B-vitamin folate and the plant alkaloid known as betaine. Aside from being a colorful, crunchy and tasty addition to a salad, beets can also bring down homocysteine levels in the blood, which can reduce the chances of developing heart disease. Studies have also shown that beets have other secret powers, such as strengthening different organs and preventing diseases like cancer.




Sometimes called the ‘chicken of the sea’, salmon is a great salad star, sushi staple or accompaniment to a creative dish. This delicious oily fish has a lot of nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce triglyceride levels, open up constricted blood vessels, prevent blood clots and ultimately help ward off heart disease.




Known for its flavor that is rich and golden, turmeric is perfect for spicing up any curry. For centuries, people in the east have been using the spice for medicinal reasons, but it has become more well-known in the west for its untold nutritional value and health benefits. Research shows that there is an active compound in turmeric called curcumin, which can help in blocking cardiac hypertrophy or heart enlargement. Tumeric can also prevent obesity, dysfunctional blood vessels and high blood pressure and reduce the risks of developing heart disease.



Chia Seeds

Chia seeds can double as a great fruit or smoothie topper. They are also considered to be among the planet’s healthiest superfoods. These seeds are a great source of protein, nutrients, antioxidants, fiber, and omega 3’s. The low-calorie superfood also helps lower cholesterol, minimize the risk of many diseases and maintain a healthy heart – all in a natural way.

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds


Now we know that it is actually true – an apple a day can keep the doctor away. In addition to being a super fruit that is more commonly found, apples are bursting with nutritional benefits such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of developing heart disease. The varieties are also endless – a range of unique flavors, colors and health benefits. This just means that you get a lot of options to choose from each time!




It is an awesome toast topper, salad filler or delicious dip. Avocado is one superfood that most millennials probably can’t live without. There are even cafes devoted to avocados, which is another topic for conversation that might last for hours. Aside from being tasty, avocados are also loaded with antioxidants, potassium, and monounsaturated fats. All of these can help reduce cholesterol, provide benefits for heart health, and minimize the risk of developing heart disease.




These glossy and purple wonders are awesome on the grill or baked but they are also great as a vegetable dish base. They are also rich in vitamins, minerals, nasunin, flavonoids, and antioxidants. This means these really tasty superstars can help in improving circulation, reducing cholesterol, lowering heart disease and preventing blood clots. Eggplant is also really good for the brain and it can help prevent damage on cell membranes and help ward off cancer.




Some kids may dread it when their parents tell them not to leave the table unless they already finished their broccoli, so we hate to say this, but the little green vegetables contain heart-healthy nutrition. We now have a very good reason to fill our stir-fries, pastas, and salads with the hearty vegetables. As a matter of fact, broccoli helps lower cholesterol and maintain strong blood vessels. The green superfood contains sulforaphane, which has proven to be anti-inflammatory and help prevent chronic problems related to blood sugar.




By day, carrots are a really tasty, crunchy snack but they also double as heart-healthy food which can also help you see well at night. On top of that, the little orange superheroes contain high levels of carotenoids, an antioxidant which can help reduce heart disease risk by fighting against free radicals. Also, carrots are overflowing with vitamins A, K and C, and nutrients, all of which can help fight against cancer, promote healthy bones and nervous system, and reduce an amino acid that is linked to heart disease.




Baked, stir-fried or grilled chicken can be a great companion for nearly every dish out there….except maybe chocolate cake…or cereal…we wouldn’t really recommend that. However, chicken is lean, mean, and has less cholesterol and saturated fat than red meat. Thus, it is more heart-healthy as well as a very popular protein choice for health fanatics.




Even though they are usually mashed, seasoned, blended, and disguised in some delicious hummus dip, there’s definitely more to these little peas than meets the eye. Actually, chickpeas are loaded with heart-healthy nutrition. These feisty legumes are rich in potassium, fiber, vitamin B-6, and vitamin C. This can help reduce cholesterol and help lower the chances of developing heart disease.




Great news for coffeeholics! There is a new study that shows you can have your coffee fix AND help your heart! As a matter of fact, research has revealed that moderate coffee intake can help reduce the risk of having heart failure, coronary heart disease, and stroke! Okay, so the nearest Starbucks is…




These fruit snacks are refreshing and delicious when mixed in juice and they also contain high levels of nutrition and antioxidants. Yes, you’ve guessed it…this super fruit can help reduce the chances of developing heart disease. Cranberries can also help the prevention of urinary tract infections as well as reduce the risk factors for stomach ulcers, gum disease, and cancer.




Figs are fruit snacks which are among the most underrated. After raisins or dates, figs are actually a great source of heart-healthy nutrition. Packed into jam, dried, or raw, the sweet fruits are bursting with fiber and calcium, which can help promote heart health and even reverse the effects of heart disease.



Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are loaded with the essential fatty acid Omega-3, which is the good type of fats. For people who don’t eat nuts or fish, these seeds are quite a popular supplement. Flax seeds are often added to smoothies or fruit or sprinkled on salads. Each tablespoon of these wonder seeds is rich in nutrition, estrogen, and antioxidants. This means that they have heart-healthy benefits.

Flax Seeds

Flax Seeds

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Even though Californication will always have a special place in our hearts, we’re not really sure if the rock band is actually good for the heart. However, the feisty vegetable red hot chili peppers, the real kind, contain capsaicin that can help reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Despite the fact that this is great news for the health of your heart, we wouldn’t really recommend consuming raw, spicy peppers whole, like this interesting guy here! Some water is definitely on the list of people who do so.

Chilli Pepper

Chili Pepper


Wonderful news for fans of ginger… studies have shown that the awesome-smelling cooking spice is actually linked to improved heart health. As a matter of fact, if you have a daily intake of ginger, it can help minimize the risk of developing many conditions, such as coronary heart disease and high blood pressure. In addition, it is a great companion for sushi, which is awesome news for sushi fans!




Grapefruit looks, smells, and tastes refreshing and exquisite, but it is also overflowing with nutrition. This superstar fruit contains high levels of potassium and fiber, vitamin C, lycopene, and choline. This means that eating grapefruit is an awesome way to help keep your heart healthy. Grapefruit is that good. It’s even recommended to be included in the DASH diet, a dietary pattern designed to lower blood pressure.



Green Tea

A refreshing and calming way to quench thirst at any time during the day is having some green tea. This herbal super drink contains a lot of powerful antioxidants, which help prevent plaque buildup in the arteries. In addition, green tea helps lower LDL, triglycerides, and cholesterol, which is great news for the heart.

Green Tea

Green Tea

Kidney Beans

Kidney beans are great in stews and soups, and they are also perfect for your heart health and memory. The super beans are high in fiber and low in fat. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals such as folate, magnesium, and protein. Thus, kidney beans can help lower homocysteine, which means that they can help reduce the chance of having heart attacks, strokes, peripheral vascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes.

Kidney Beans

Kidney Beans


Even though some may find their furry shell intimidating, if people can just get past this outer layer, they will be greeted by a super fruit snack. Studies also show that kiwis are packed with vitamins including B, C, and E. The exotic, green super fruit is a good source of polyphenols, potassium, magnesium, and copper. Thus, kiwi can help in the protection of the cardiovascular system and the reduction of blood clots and it is great for the promotion of heart health.




These super legumes contain a lot of vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, folic acid, and fiber. Interestingly, there is more potassium in lentils than in a banana. Aside from being a rich source of energy and protein, lentils can also be a tasty accompaniment for any dish or soup. The tasty pulse is now also included in the highly recommended DASH diet. This means that lentils help lower blood pressure and are great in keeping your heart healthy.




If you need a break from tuna and salmon, then try Mackerel. It is a fantastic way to jazz up your cooked dish or salads. The oily fish is rich in Omega-3, and packed with antioxidants such as the mineral selenium. Therefore, Mackerel is great at helping reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.




Cashews are full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which help lower the levels of LDL cholesterol as well as raise the HDL levels too. Cashews are also rich with antioxidants, helping the body reduce cellular damage.




Want to start your day in a delicious way? Have some oatmeal! Aside from being really tasty, it is also a rich source of wholesome nutrients and a number of minerals such as potassium, omega-3 fatty acids, and folate. This breakfast superfood is quite flexible and can work with many different fruit toppings. It is also bursting with fiber and its Glycemic Index is low, so it is recommended for people who want to lose weight and for those with diabetes. Oatmeal can lower cholesterol levels as well as keep arteries clear in order to promote heart health.




We think beans deserve to have their own category. They belong to the legume family, which also includes soybeans and peanuts, lentils, green beans, and peas. These tiny superheroes are high in fiber, low in fat, and rich in protein. They also provide multiple phytochemicals which can help protect against heart disease.




Very similar to their apple companions, the crunchy and appetizing fruit gems are also rich in fiber, antioxidants, and nutrients. This means pears help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure and effectively lower the chance of developing heart disease.




Asparagus is a great addition to different cooked dishes but the super vegetable is also delicious grilled on its own. It is also a rich source of nutrients, fiber, folate, minerals and vitamins including A, C, E, and K. Therefore, asparagus help promote digestive health through regularity, enhance insulin levels, reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure, and protect against heart disease and diabetes.




If you want to spice up a cooked dish or salad in a wholesome way, then add some quinoa. It actually contains almost double the amount of fiber compared to most other grains. The superfood is a rich source of antioxidants, minerals and all of the essential amino acids. Quinoa is also ideal for weight loss, improving cholesterol levels and blood sugar, lowering high blood pressure, promoting heart health and protecting against diabetes.




Since Popeye’s superpowers came from spinach, he might have known something that we didn’t! As a matter of fact, you don’t even need a cup of the leafy superfood – just half will already give you the recommended daily vitamin K dose five times over! This means that it can help prevent blood clots and develop stronger bones. In addition, spinach is a fantastic pasta topper or salad base and it is high in potassium, lutein, folate, and fiber. Therefore, this green vegetable can help promote heart health and protect against heart disease.




Any smoothie, breakfast dish, snack or dessert can be spiced up by adding this delicious, red super fruit. Strawberries are not just good for your sweet tooth but they are also overflowing with vitamin C, nutrients, and minerals such as folate. What’s more, they are low in calorie and a great fat-burner. According to studies, strawberries help widen arteries and prevent plaque build-up to boost heart health.



Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are really popular and very tasty and they belong to the potato family. A perfect partner to nearly every dish, from meat, chicken or vegetables, sweet potato has even found its way to a lot of pasta or pizza topping recipes. This wholesome superfood is a great source of potassium, which helps reduce blood pressure by keeping fluid balance. Sweet potatoes also help regulate heartbeat and they are very heart-healthy.

Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato


Aside from being a great salad topper, walnuts also make an awesome nutty snack. They are also packed with an Omega-3 fatty acid known as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). This means that these super nuts can help maintain healthy levels of cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and keep your heart in shape.




Watermelons are a refreshing poolside or beach snack, but did you know that they also help protect the skin from the sun’s UV rays? Well, now you know. In addition, the summery fruit is also around 96% water, so it can keep you hydrated and full longer, and that’s not all. Since watermelons are overflowing with vitamins including A, B6, C, potassium, and magnesium, they are great for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol and boosting heart health.





This super fruit is an awesome breakfast topper or smoothie base and it is rich in potassium, fiber, and protein. This means bananas help nerve cells to respond and muscles to contract. Despite the fact that they are known for being the nemesis of dieters, these yellow super fruit heroes actually contain resistant starch and fiber and are low energy density food, which is great for weight loss. This nutritious fruit also helps keep your heartbeat regular, lower blood pressure and promote overall heart health.



Olive Oil

The Mediterranean diet is known for being one of the world’s healthiest, and for good reason. If you are from that region, you probably know that an essential ingredient in any Mediterranean dish is extra-virgin olive oil. In addition to the distinctive flavor that it brings to a dish, olive oil also has a lot of monounsaturated fat. This means that extra virgin olive oil helps reduce harmful LDL cholesterol, regulate blood sugar levels and discourage blood clots.

Olive Oil

Olive Oil


In recent years, the popularity of soy among vegetarians and vegans looking for meat product substitute that is textured has been increasing more and more. Nowadays, there are shelves at supermarkets dedicated to only soy products, so there is definitely a lot to choose from. Soy milk also makes some really delicious latte. Studies have shown that soy products help reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol. In addition, soy is also cholesterol-free, high in protein and low in saturated fat. It contains fiber and omega-3s that are heart-healthy.



Apple Cider Vinegar

We know that it quite easy to get instantly put off by apple cider vinegar’s foul smell but in case you did not know, Beyonce strongly believes it is effective. All you need to do is to dilute the vinegar with water and before each meal, drink it to promote weight loss. ACV also has several health benefits according to research findings, such as helping lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels, reducing blood triglycerides and blood pressure, and protecting against heart disease. Well, since Queen Bey swears by it, then we are sold…

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Black Beans

The little black heroes contain high levels of protein, fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, phytonutrients and folate, which means they help reduce cholesterol and prevent heart disease. What’s more, they taste amazing in a burrito, in soups or as a side dish and can make a person feel full with little fat content, so they can also aid weight loss.

Black Beans

Black Beans

Reduced Fat Yogurt

Studies show that consuming some healthy dairy food like reduced-fat milk or yogurt as part of your balanced diet can actually help protect against some cancers and high blood pressure. Yogurt is a great source of protein, calcium, vitamins A and D, vitamins B2 and B6, iodine, and zinc, which also help prevent strokes and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Reduced Fat Yogurt

Reduced Fat Yogurt


Cabbage can be an awesome low-calorie snack. In addition, the heart-healthy vegetable contains high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Cabbage is also loaded with vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that helps boost a person’s natural defense mechanism as well as protect against heart disease. This leafy hero also helps prevent vision loss and certain cancers.



Brown Rice

For many cultures and in numerous regions across the globe, rice is a traditional food staple. It may be argued that white rice is the most popular grain, but the brown variety actually has more nutrients and does not have gluten. Brown rice is rich in healthy compounds, vitamins, and minerals. The tasty grain’s benefits include helping with weight loss as well as preventing heart disease and diabetes.

Brown Rice

Brown Rice

Coconut Oil

It can be unhealthy if your diet includes a lot of saturated fat. Coconut, which contains lauric acid, can actually increase bad cholesterol (LDL). Despite this, interestingly, coconut oil is a good source of good cholesterol (HDL). Therefore, because both kinds of cholesterol, good and bad, increase with consumption of coconut, moderate amounts can also boost heart health.

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil


This albino broccoli can be a little underrated since it can actually improve your cardiovascular system’s overall health. The flower ranger is high in fiber but low in carbs, and it can be a tasty side dish or delicious char-grilled whole. It can detoxify your body, protect against oxidative stress, prevent stomach disorders, and fight respiratory problems. It is also good for the bones.



Dragon Fruit

The fiery fruit is a great source of phytonutrients, nutrients, iron, calcium, protein, antioxidants, carotene, polyunsaturated (good) fatty acids, vitamin C and B vitamins. And if all of that wasn’t enough, this tropical fruit tastes delicious and helps boost the immune system, as it also has a phytochemical known as captin. This phytochemical is usually added to medicines which can aid in alleviating heart problems.

Dragon Fruit

Dragon Fruit


Pistachios contain high levels of antioxidants, plant sterols, and good fats, which help keep your heart in top shape. Interestingly, these earthy nuts are also bursting in protein and potassium, plus they are cholesterol free.




In addition to spicing up lattes, pumpkins are also rich in antioxidants and vitamins. This orange super-food hero is also loaded with the pro-vitamin beta-carotene, fiber, potassium, vitamin C and phytoestrogens. This means that pumpkins are ideal for helping boost your immunity and eye health, promote weight loss, manage blood pressure and cholesterol, and improve the overall heart health.



Tomato Sauce

A tangy dish accompaniment, a tasty base for pizza or an awesome dipping sauce, there is nothing that beats some mean tomato sauce. Tomato juice has actually been found to lower low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) in the blood and it bursting with lycopene, which helps make skin look younger, prevent heart disease or protect against a heart attack.

Tomato Sauce

Tomato Sauce

Brussel Sprouts

Are your childhood fears holding you back? Don’t let them! Brussel sprouts are delicious as well as packed with nutrition. Since they belong to the cruciferous family, the healthy super sprouts are bursting with glucosinolates, protein, potassium, and iron. This means they help detoxify your body, fight against cancer and promote overall heart health.

Brussel Sprouts

Brussel Sprouts


These tangy, heart-healthy snacks can be a super tasty topper to any pasta, pizza or salad. As a matter of fact, olives are rich in a special monounsaturated fat, nutrients, and antioxidants, which can aid weight loss, help increase good cholesterol and protect against heart disease.




Throughout the generations, people have been using the exotic spice in traditional medicine. As a matter of fact, according to recent studies, cinnamon is among the healthiest and most delicious spices around. This wonder spice is filled with calcium, fiber, and manganese which help regulate glucose levels, improve cognition, lower cholesterol and protect against heart disease.




Edamame is one of the addictive and healthiest snacks around. It is loaded with nutrition and included in a low cholesterol and low saturated fat diet. Edamame is filled with plant protein and a lot of fiber cholesterol-lowering phytosterols, and folate. This means that the soy protein helps reduce cholesterol levels and combat heart disease.



Collard Greens

The family of earthy collard greens is actually expansive. It includes kale, bok choy, brussels sprouts, broccoli, rutabaga, cabbage, and even turnips. The leafy heroes are high in Vitamin A, zeaxanthin and lutein but low in calories. This means they can help fight against diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

Collard Greens

Collard Greens


Interestingly, this refreshing and very natural super-drink is great for the overall heart health of a person. Therefore, it is well worth remembering that proper hydration each day is very important. Water can also help improve your metabolism, mood and brain, control body weight, and keep your heart pumping, so it is essential for heart health.




Also known as the ‘chicken of the sea,’ tuna is also a great source of essential amino acids which are needed for healthy muscle tissues and growth. Interestingly, canned tuna is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. This means this healthy and tasty fish can help maintain overall heart health.




These sweet berries contain high levels of vitamin C, fiber, and manganese and they are also low in fat. In addition, these super tasty fruit snacks are rich in polyphenols, which are great for fighting against heart disease.



Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are among the really delicious South American nuts around. It is also good to keep the exotic heroes a staple in your kitchen because they contain the good kind of fat and they are high in disease-fighting antioxidants and nutrients. This means that brazil nuts help protect against cardiovascular disease.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts

Fatty Fish

Even though the idea of consuming fatty fish might seem like it doesn’t really go with healthy living, studies show that certain kinds of fatty fish are actually extremely healthy. Fatty fish includes different varieties of mackerel, lake trout, salmon, herring, tuna and sardines and contains a ton of omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, this fish helps lower cholesterol and work wonders for the heart.

Fatty Fish

Fatty Fish


Not only are these red superheroes something tangy that you can add to any salad or dish, but tomatoes are also loaded with vitamin C, vitamin A, minerals, fiber, potassium, and lycopene. Studies show that nutrient-rich vegetables help prevent diseases such as cardiovascular disease.



Acai Berries

One of the trendiest additions to a smoothie is acai. Acai breakfast bowls have even become all the rage. These super berries are delicious at any time of day and are actually among the richest sources of antioxidants. This means they help protect against cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Acai Berries

Acai Berries

Goji Berries

These tasty little berries have incredible health benefits. They are loaded with antioxidants, iron, vitamin C, and even copper to help the body function well. All of these components are also known to improve cardiovascular health, as iron is needed for hemoglobin to carry oxygen to your cells.

Goji Berries

Goji Berries


Seaweed is full of omega-3, unlike regular vegetables. In addition, it’s full of minerals like magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, and iodine. All these things together promote cardiovascular health and prevent sudden strokes or heart attacks.



Black Tea

A delicious and comforting drink, black tea does much more than just make us feel warm and fuzzy inside. It’s full of heart-healthy antioxidants which also aid in lowering the blood pressure and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

Black Tea

Black Tea

Peanut Butter

Believe it or not, but natural peanut butter is actually very healthy for you. It’s full of monounsaturated fats, vitamins, protein, and fiber. While it’s relatively high in calories, it’s a great food to incorporate into meals as it tends to fill you up for longer what with its protein and fat. It also contains potassium which helps keep the blood pressure in check.

Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter


While potatoes may have a bad rep since they’re rather high in carbohydrates, they do have great health benefits. Potatoes contain iron, zinc, potassium, fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin B6, all which are vital for the body to develop and function properly. These vitamins and minerals can help lower the blood pressure and the cholesterol levels, both of which can affect the heart health significantly.




This delicious grain is full of fiber, potassium, and vitamin B6. Its high fiber content actually helps lower cholesterol levels, which is essential to maintaining good heart health. A classic addition to any household, the only drawback of this grain is that it contains gluten, so people who have celiac disease cannot eat it.




Radish is an excellent food to add into your day to day food intake. It’s full of fiber, which can help regulate digestion. It also has potassium and vitamin C that help keep the blood pressure under control as well as boost the immune system.



Green Peas

Part of the legume family, green peas have very good nutritional value. They’re relatively low in calories and have a significant amount of fiber. With a high level of protein, peas also have vitamins K, A, C, and iron. All of which contribute to heart health as well as the immune system and help reduce blood pressure.

Green Peas

Green Peas

Almond Butter

This delicious treat has become somewhat of a trend recently, and with good reason. Just like peanut butter, almond butter contains monounsaturated fats which are healthy for the heart. Besides this, it has antioxidants, vitamin C, magnesium, and vitamin E to name a few. All these nutrients are fantastic for maintaining good health.

Almond Butter

Almond Butter


While eggs still get a bad rep for their high cholesterol content, but we’re here to tell you that if a food is high in cholesterol, it doesn’t mean it raises the cholesterol in the blood. It actually raises the good kind of cholesterol, aka HDL. Aside from this, eggs are loaded with essential nutrients, such as protein, vitamin A, B12, B5, B2 and more. We’re not saying to go overboard, but you don’t necessarily need to eliminate eggs entirely from your diet as they tend to help keep you full for longer.




Blackberries, like most berries, are packed of excellent nutrients, making them a great part of any healthy diet. Especially to prevent heart attacks, as this berry has vitamin K, which is an important vitamin to keep the cardiovascular system working well. Vitamin K is also linked to helping keep the blood pressure at a healthy level which can also affect the heart. In addition, blackberries are rich in antioxidants.




This superfood is incredible for just about everything. It has recently become more trendy, and with good reason. One tablespoon of powder contains 4 grams of protein, as well as various amounts of vitamin B1, B2, B3, copper, iron, magnesium, and potassium. It even has omega 3 and 6, as well as other antioxidants that are great for the body and overall health. These nutrients can lower LDL cholesterol levels in the blood and reduce blood pressure levels.




A low-calorie choice, cucumbers are roughly 96% water. Even so, they have a good amount of vital nutrients that help keep the body healthy. Cucumbers have protein, fiber, vitamin C and K, magnesium,  and potassium. All of these vitamins and minerals help sustain a healthy body as cucumber also contains antioxidants that prevent heart disease.




Essentially macha is a pure form of green tea, where the leaves are ground to a fine powder in order to reap all the benefits rather than just part of them when the leaves are soaked in water. One cup of macha tea has as many antioxidants as 10 cups of green tea. Macha also has vitamin C, chromium, zinc, and magnesium which help prevent all kinds of diseases.

Macha Powder

Macha Powder


Onions are one of the most basic foods, and for good reason. Their amazing flavor can add to almost any dish and make it better. But did you know this staple is also extremely healthy? Onions can help lower blood pressure and the risk for heart attack.




Another classic, lemons are a citrus that most people use in cooking. This is a great thing as lemons have vitamin C, fiber, and plant compounds which help prevent heart disease and boost the immune system.




As with peanut butter, peanuts themselves are rich in monosaturated fats that are healthy for the heart and reduce the risk of heart attack and strokes. Peanuts also have the same antioxidants as red wine, and copper which is essential to preventing heart disease.




As the name implies, wheatgrass is the young form of grass from the wheat plant. Normally consumed in tablet form, some people prefer to have it in juice form even though the leaves can be difficult to digest. Juicing the leaves can help them be more easily absorbed as the leaves release the nutrients from the grass. Wheatgrass isn’t for everyone, as people who are allergic to gluten, grass or wheat won’t be able to eat it. Also, pregnant women or breastfeeding women need to consult their doctors before incorporating wheatgrass into their diets. The benefits of wheatgrass are significant. It contains vitamin A, vitamin C, and more than the daily recommended amount of vitamin E. In addition wheatgrass has B vitamins, iron, and antioxidants.



Sunflower Seeds

While some people are wary of eating sunflower seeds due to their high oil content, the seeds contain a healthy form of plant oil that provides polyunsaturated fats that is beneficial to the body. Besides, they also contain multiple vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, magnesium, and copper.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds

Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are a fantastic source of protein, as they contain all nine amino acids to help the body absorb it properly. One of those amino acids, arginine, is beneficial for heart health. Also, hemp seeds have omega 3 fatty acids which aid heart health. These seeds also have no saturated fats, they only contain unsaturated fats with are healthy for the body. Finally, hemp seeds are rich with fiber, vitamins, and minerals such as vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin B6.

Hemp Seeds

Hemp Seeds


A fat-free veggie, mushrooms make a delicious addition to many savory dishes. Packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, they’re perfect for any healthy diet. They have antioxidants, potassium, B vitamins, and copper. As we’ve mentioned, potassium is essential for heart health and general health as well, making this superfood a must-have in any diet.

