Glaring Signs You Were Once In The Military

Published on 01/27/2019

Haven’t you noticed that soldiers tend to stand out? You notice them because of the way they stand, the way they walk or the way they conduct themselves in day-to-day activities. They say that if you’re a soldier, you’ll be a soldier for life. So we’ve compiled list of special things that military people or ex-soldiers will be able relate to.

Floor = Bed

Basic training prepares soldiers to sleep basically anywhere. Civilians think nothing of the floor, but soldiers see it as their bed and their buddy’s shoulder is more than just a body part – it’s a pillow. In many ways, soldiers are truly remarkable. The fact that they can get up, be at attention, within just seconds even if they’re sleeping deeply is pretty awesome.

Floor Bed

Floor = Bed

Ironing Boss

It is a must for soldiers to iron and fold their uniform. It is uncommon, maybe impossible, to see a soldier wearing a creased uniform. It’s simply not their style. For soldiers, always being presentable is a must.

Ironing Boss

Ironing Boss

The Way You Walk

Would you like to know if a person was a soldier or not? Simply look at the way they walk. Soldiers walk with purpose and control and it’s pretty noticeable even a mile away. One other thing is that you will most likely have to speed up if you walk with someone who once was in the military.

The Way You Walk

The Way You Walk

Military Time

“What’s the time?” “It’s 16:00!” Being an ex-soldier doesn’t change the way you tell and read time. Why is there a need to add AM and PM if it’s possible to just count 24 hours?

Military Time

Military Time

Your Hair

It is up to a civilian what haircut they want to sport, but soldiers all have to wear the same buzz-cut. After leaving the military, however, they can choose whatever haircut they would like, but many stick to the one they have gotten accustomed to.

Your Hair

Your Hair

Scanning Situations

Right from the very beginning, soldiers are trained to scan and assess situations. A soldier is alert and watchful all the time of anything that may be suspicious. They will also certainly act if needed. Therefore, don’t be surprised if your partner who has been in the military rapidly scans a concert or a picnic at the park or even a room.

Scanning Situations

Scanning Situations

Standing At Ease

Soldiers standing “at ease” may look like they’re uncomfortable to you, but after a number of years standing a certain way, the stance sort of becomes comfortable, even in civilian life.

Standing At Ease

Standing At Ease

Sir And Ma’am

One of the things soldiers are taught is being respectful. No matter whom they speak to – your parents, the milkman, or the flower lady, soldiers will refer to the men as ‘sir’ and the women as ‘ma’am.’

Sir And Maam

Sir And Ma’am

Fast Eater

Soldiers train themselves to eat in record time because more often than not, they need to go back to their post. Another possible reason is that they’re in some kind of survival mode while in a war zone. Don’t assume that an ex-soldier will find it easy to revert to the way that they ate pre-army.

Fast Eater

Fast Eater

Military Jargon

It’s safe to say that we all have heard expressions like “roger that,” “negative” or “affirmative” in films and computer games. This is actually the way soldiers speak, even when they’ve left the service. It’s a lot like learning some new language. Once you’ve learned it, the process of letting it go is pretty hard.

Military Jargon

Military Jargon

Your Fridge

It is common for families to put up reminders and photos on their fridges and for soldiers, it’s a bit similar. A soldier’s fridge usually has clues of their service, such as military souvenirs or other war memorabilia.

Your Fridge

Your Fridge


If you’re wondering why you got a salute from someone, then that person must have served in the military and was probably simply saying hello. Saluting is a way of greeting someone and it is quite common for military personnel to do. Thus, the habit is a bit difficult to let go.



No Kitchen

“What’s a kitchen?” Actually, we wanted to say ‘the mess’. Even if your kitchen is extremely neat and tidy, to a soldier, it’s always THE MESS.

No Kitchen

No Kitchen

Call Of Duty

Just like civilians, soldiers also enjoy playing Call of Duty. However, soldiers are aware that the game is very much unlike the real thing. Carrying one grenade launcher with six rifles is as easy as pie… in a game.

Call Of Duty

Call Of Duty

Black paint or ‘Boot-Topping’?

If you ask military personnel, there isn’t much difference between boot-topping and boot paint. Actually, boot-topping is that black coating used between the deck and waterline. In addition, it has a liquidy and thick consistency and sulfur or lime is used in making it. Despite the fact that civilians wouldn’t even notice that boot-topping is different from black paint, an expert military eye will be able to spot the difference even when a mile away.

Black Paint Or ‘Boot Topping’

Black Paint Or ‘Boot Topping’

Quiet In Line

Those who have been in the military quietly stand in line and don’t make any ruckus because this one of the things they learn from basic training. As they wait for orders or before they go inside the mess hall, they stand in line in controlled silence. Therefore in civilian life, they also do the same thing as they wait for the bus or ATM.

Quiet In Line

Quiet In Line

Checking Your Car

In the military, discipline is key to being safe. Before soldiers head out a mission, they must check their vehicle in order to make sure it is safe and ready for use. Whatever vehicle it may be (a helicopter, an armored personnel carrier or a fighter jet), soldiers must check it beforehand. Even when they are no longer in the service, they still have this habit… and they check their own car.

Checking Your Car

Checking Your Car

Home Chore List

If your one of those people who have trouble getting work done, then take a page from the military’s book. They make a chore list, which ensures that every person knows what their tasks are and that these tasks get done. Those who don’t do their chores are held accountable. Military families also use this method.

Home Chore List

Home Chore List

Skip The Fireworks

While you may think fireworks lighting up the sky is quite a beautiful sight, not everybody thinks so. If you have no idea who might think like this, well think about a soldier who has experienced fighting in a battle zone. They don’t really have nice memories of bangs and they have more than their fair share of experience with fireworks… the real kind.

Skip The Fireworks

Skip The Fireworks

Power Stance

Soldiers not only walk a certain way but they also stand a certain way. Often based on their rank, soldiers have a power stance. Whenever you’re around soldiers and veterans, you can certainly feel the sense of confidence their posture exudes.

Power Stance

Power Stance

Your Squad

When a soldier goes to the battlefield, the people that go with them become really important in a soldier’s life. Together, they are responsible for keeping one another safe. They may hurl a lot of curses and insults at one another, but at the end of the day, they have so much love and trust for one another.

Your Squad

Your Squad

Speaking In A.C.R.O.N.Y.M.S.

Acronyms are big in the military. You might hear words spoken by a soldier but you probably won’t recognize or understand them. SNAFU, WAG, and BOHICA…No idea? You probably never served.

Speaking In A.C.R.O.N.Y.M.S.

Speaking In A.C.R.O.N.Y.M.S.

Honking Twice

In the military, the standard practice is to honk twice so that others are warned that you’re backing up. When they go back to civilian life, ex-soldiers still do this by force of habit.

Honking Twice

Honking Twice

The Flag

The American flag symbolizes the entire United States of America, so great respect should be shown to it. When soldiers see the flag is raised, they will immediately stand, even saluting at times. Definitely no knee-droppers here.

The Flag

The Flag

Back To The Wall

In the military, they are glad to have their back towards the wall, since it means they’re safe. It doesn’t mean they have nowhere else to go, it just means they don’t have to watch out for the threats coming from behind. They only need to be extra careful of what is in front. Even when they are not in the service, soldiers usually go for a seat which has a wall behind.

Back To The Wall

Back To The Wall

Hospital Corners

Neatness is a big deal for those serving in the military, so their beds reflect this ideal. “Hospital corners” is a way to make sure every bed is neat and the beds all look the same. They don’t call it a bed uniform for nothing.

Hospital Corners

Hospital Corners

War Movie Frustration

Some Hollywood war films may annoy a soldier but this shouldn’t surprise you. A movie can only come close to resembling what they’ve experienced and never resemble it exactly. This, however, doesn’t mean they can never really enjoy a good action movie. They can just see incongruities better than we can.

War Movie Frustration

War Movie Frustration

Whistling In The Loo

Whistling while tinkling seems to be really common among people in the military despite the fact that nobody appears to know just where this ‘tradition’ has come from. Now you know what kind of person does this in restrooms.

Whistling In The Loo

Whistling In The Loo

Knife Hands

Ever heard of a knife hand? Well, it’s what you see a person makes if they’re explaining a thing. The hand is tight and flat with the fingers all aligned. Post-service, many still use this in giving directions and if you’re still unsure what we mean, try asking an ex-soldier for directions.

Knife Hands

Knife Hands

Getting Up Early

For an ex-soldier, sleeping in probably means sleeping until 7 in the morning. Getting up early is a habit that they have gotten from basic training, they continue doing during deployment, and somewhat sticks with them forever.

Getting Up Early

Getting Up Early

Popping Smoke

You’ve seen it in movies – soldiers “popping smoke” to create some kind of a diversion or shield in order to be able to get into position. If a soldier is outside the military and says they’re “popping smoke”, that often means they’re leaving.

Popping Smoke

Popping Smoke

Tabasco Sauce

There is nothing exceptional about eating military food. Whether your food is liquidy or dry, there is only one answer to it – Tabasco sauce. Soldiers swear by this stuff. The next time you think your food is unexceptional, try the military way of eating it.

Tabasco Sauce

Tabasco Sauce

The National Anthem

When the Star Spangled Banner plays, you might see a soldier with a twinkle or a tear in their eye. Aside from being the music of the flag, the national anthem of the country is also the soundtrack of an American soldier’s life.

The National Anthem

The National Anthem

Always Early, Never Late

While some people enjoy being “fashionably late” at events, military folk think it is a complete “no-no”. Soldiers usually get to an event 15 minutes early and are never late. Soldiers completely understand that time is accountability.

Always Early Never Late

Always Early, Never Late

No Explanations

Some people give explanations, soldiers give briefings. They don’t see the point of spending too much time talking with too much emotion as well as too much information. You can always choose to say what’s most important and be direct. You save everyone’s time and energy and you prevent them from going crazy listening to you.

No Explanations

No Explanations

Workout Music

“Cadence” is ever so reliable when it comes to getting an ex-soldier in the mood for a workout or a run it doesn’t matter whether they feel good or bad, pumped up or tired. For them, motivation and hard work will always go to the beat of cadence.

Workout Music

Workout Music

Your Gun

Every person who has been assigned a weapon while serving knows that their gun has practically become a body part. Their gun goes wherever they go. Because of this, even when they have gone back to civilian life, they continue to feel that their weapon is with them.

Your Gun

Your Gun

Losing Your Gun

Speaking of feeling like your weapon is still with you – veterans actually sometimes dream of losing their weapon (which is pretty much a nightmare for them). Then they wake up and remember that their gun is no longer with them.

Losing Your Gun

Losing Your Gun

Phonetic Alphabet

Are you familiar with the phonetic alphabet the military uses? Well, soldiers commonly spell out words using their alphabet. They will say “alpha” instead of saying the letter “a” and “omega” instead of “o”. Perhaps you’ve even heard soldiers talking right next to you but you didn’t understand a word.

Phonetic Alphabet

Phonetic Alphabet

Short Showers

In the military, long luxurious showers basically do not exist. There’s just no time for them. They deem showers as a necessity but nothing more than that, which explains why they are brief. Even when they go back to civilian life, soldiers usually don’t drop this habit.

Short Showers

Short Showers


Whether you are a veteran or still a soldier, you most likely feel more comfortable donning a pair of sunglasses, regardless if the sun is shining or not. Sunnies are one of your go-to piece of accessory.



Talking During The Anthem

It drives soldiers crazy when people talk during the national anthem. Soldier find this to be pretty disrespectful and we can only guess what would happen if their weapon is with them. We don’t really want to imagine what might happen to the noisy ones. Thankfully, weapons are not part of the equation.

Talking During The Anthem

Talking During The Anthem

Towards Danger

No matter what type of danger it is, a veteran or a soldier will always run towards it, never away. This includes just giving people some assistance. Whenever there is a need for action, soldiers can be expected to take on the responsibility at all times.

Towards Danger

Towards Danger

“Say Again”

You will know you are talking to a soldier if you hear them say “say again” rather than “excuse me” or “pardon me.” Those who were once in the service won’t kick this habit even after leaving the military.

Say Again

“Say Again”

Finding The Exits

Part of a soldier’s training is that as soon as they walk into a situation, they always have to find and be aware of the exit points. This habit will remain with a soldier for the rest of their lives and you can expect that they know all possible exits in case of any emergency.

Finding The Exits

Finding The Exits

Right Hand Free

It is known that soldiers keep their dominant hand free. It is their habit to keep their “strong” hand always available no matter when and where. Sorry ladies, but you’ll have to settle with holding your man’s left hand! At least, he is always ready.

Right Hand Free

Right Hand Free

Hands In Pockets

Another way you can spot a veteran or a soldier is by checking whether their hands are in their pockets. It is rare to find soldiers whose hands are in their pockets because it is their way of being always ready for anything that may occur. You usually find them with hands on their hips instead and in a power stance.

Hands In Pockets

Hands In Pockets

Quiet During Announcements

Soldiers show respect at all times, so it makes sense they keep quiet when they receive orders. Whether it is at a baseball game or the supermarket, when an announcement goes off, you can expect them to stand quietly, at attention and listening.

Quiet During Announcements

Quiet During Announcements

Alternative Routes

Have you been curious about why your military friend always appears to have mapped out multiple routes wherever you go? Well, soldiers always plan alternate routes, since they don’t rely on only one route. They are always ready in case a disaster strikes.

Alternative Routes

Alternative Routes

Brass To The Grass

“Brass to the grass”…ring any bell? If you have not served, chances are you wouldn’t know what this means. Only soldiers are familiar with this slogan and you can bet that they will continue to use it even after their service.

Brass To The Grass

Brass To The Grass

Gig Line

Perfection is what people in service live and breathe, so it is not surprising they have come up with the “gig line.” It is what they call the seam’s alignment of the uniform trouser fly-seam, belt buckle, and uniform shirt; all of these should align in a line that is perfectly straight.

Gig Line

Gig Line

No Word Is Gold

In the military, everyone knows that there isn’t anything happening until something is actually happening, which just means there isn’t anything set in stone. This is probably because they believe anything can change within a second.

No Word Is Gold

No Word Is Gold

Last Names

Soldiers may sometimes be unaware of a person’s first name because most of the time, they primarily call one another by their last name. Joe Cooper? In the military, you will just be known as Cooper.

Last Names

Last Names

Soldier Or Not

Those who have been in the military continue behaviors and habits long after their service. It does not matter if they try really hard, they just can’t get rid of these things which allowed them to get their soldier status.

Soldier Or Not

Soldier Or Not

Shot Joints

When soldiers join the military, they are trained to be perfect and fit as a fiddle. Upon discharge, however, it’s a totally different story. Ex-military may be silently cursing the organization because of the joint pain which lasts a lifetime.

Shot Joints

Shot Joints

You’ve Got An Ex

It is definitely not an easy feat to wait for your spouse to return home from war, especially since you don’t know if they will come back to you in one piece or in a bag. Sadly, the number of servicemen and women getting divorced is not really declining, perhaps because the stress is too much for their loved ones to deal with. You can actually find Army vets whose had multiple failed relationships.

Youve Got An Ex

Youve Got An Ex

Fast Dresser

The enemy does not really announce when they strike and they will definitely not wait for you to get dressed and ready no matter how much you plead them to. Thus, you need to be prepared all the time. The fact that soldiers only have one choice (camo) of outfit makes them extremely fast dressers.

Fast Dresser

Fast Dresser

Some Vitamin M

Ever heard of Vitamin M? We can’t blame you if you haven’t since this pill exists only in the military. If servicemen and women fall sick, “taking a sick day” is not really an option, so they take a Motrin and carry on fighting. Vitamin M is a soldier’s best friend when they aren’t feeling 100%.

Some Vitamin M

Some Vitamin M

Water Too

Water is pretty much Vitamin M as both are miracle workers. It doesn’t matter if you have a headache, a stomachache, a hernia, a strep throat, or a missing leg, water is what you reach for. Whatever Vitamin M cannot fix, water can.

Water Too

Water Too

Chopper Differences

Military kids will most likely be able to differentiate between helicopters with ease, while non-military kids will call that flying thing a helicopter. “Son, what is that – a Chinook, a Blackhawk or an Apache?” You can surely expect the correct answer.

Chopper Differences

Chopper Differences

Time Away

For soldiers, deployment can mean weeks, months, or even years of being away from their loved ones. Military personnel can get so used to being gone for long periods that time goes by for them really quickly. Don’t be surprised if you hear someone say that his time away felt more like hours rather than months.

Time Away

Time Away

Worst Case Scenario

In the military, imagining the worst case scenario is something that soldiers are taught constantly. This prepares them to think on their feet if a situation happens to turn ugly. Those who have served are basically prepared for the worst even if they are just at a family reunion or checking out at the store.

Worst Case Scenario

Worst Case Scenario

Skype Is Reality

Of course nothing beats seeing your loved ones in person, but video chatting may just be the next best thing. Even though phone calls are excellent for hearing a voice, Skype is still better when it comes to feeling like you’re actually there. It’s not uncommon to see soldiers on Skype during important life events, such as their wife delivering their baby.

Skype Is Reality

Skype Is Reality

Special Laundry

Forget lights and darks, think: “cammies”. Rather than separating their clothes based on color, soldiers separate the camouflage from those that are not! Makes us wonder what washing machine setting they choose to make sure their uniforms get preserved.

Special Laundry

Special Laundry

Too Quiet

Soldiers become used to sleeping through practically anything. After discharge, it’s common for people who have been in the military to have trouble falling asleep when a place is too quiet, which explains the sleeping body in front of a blaring TV.

Too Quiet

Too Quiet

AC Or No AC?

Air Conditioning is not something that exists in the military, so soldiers are used to blazing temperatures. After discharge, soldiers will either continue surviving without it even during the hottest temps, or they won’t be able to live without it. Let’s just give this one to them. They have lived without air conditioning for 20 years!



Medal Of Dishonor

It is true that nobody likes a liar, but soldiers dislike one even more. Trying to make them think you served when you actually didn’t will not end well for you. Trust us when we say that this battle won’t be easily won.

Medal Of Dishonor

Medal Of Dishonor

Military Jargon

It’s safe to say that we all have heard expressions like “roger that,” “negative” or “affirmative” in films and computer games. This is actually the way soldiers speak, even when they’ve left the service. It’s a lot like learning some new language. Once you’ve learned it, the process of letting it go is pretty hard.

Military Jargon

Military Jargon


We’ve already said this but we’ll say it again – soldiers understand that being presentable is really important. Their boots are probably among the pieces of clothing that are most important to them. You can bet that any soldier is willing to spend all the time and effort necessary in order to make their prized footwear shine.



Hats For The National Anthem

The military definitely do not like it when people keep their hats on during the national anthem, and even more so when people sit through it. We can only guess how they felt when some NFL players started to kneel during the anthem.

Hats For The National Anthem

Hats For The National Anthem

Motivational Videos

Since soldiers are highly motivated individuals, a lot of them love listening to and watching motivational videos. These videos almost always have pumped up music, words of advice and encouragement, and have the same sentiment of never giving up, no matter what.

Motivational Videos

Motivational Videos


If you were a soldier, especially in a combat unit, then you might feel a sense of regret for not having worn earplugs during your service. Nowadays you find yourself asking people to repeat themselves because you didn’t hear them the first time.




No matter how long you’ve been out of your uniform, your “gig line” still remains as straight as ever. For those of you who aren’t sure what this is, it’s the perfect alignment of a soldier’s cover, tie, shirt buttons, zipper, and belt.



Pick Up Your Feet

How dare anyone – and this includes children – drag their feet across the floor when they’re walking? When you walk you’re supposed to walk with purpose, and that means lifting your feet in high strides, not dragging them like they’re not attached to your body.

Pick Up Your Feet

Pick Up Your Feet

Shake It Off

Handshakes make one heck of a first impression, and soldiers know this all too well. When someone gives you a limp handshake, the only thing you can think of is ripping your hand out of the dead fish grip. Always, always, ALWAYS shake firmly, or don’t shake at all.

Shake If OFf

Shake If Off

At All Times

You can never be too prepared. Once soldiers finish their service, they still live in the mindset that you might be left in a situation to fend for yourself. This comes in the form of packing extra water and perhaps some energy bars… even on the way to the grocery store.

At All Times

At All Times

The Same Way Twice

Soldiers have learned that you should always have a backup route, even to places that seem close and unimportant. They learn this from driving in dangerous places where they are at risk of being ambushed. This habit and training follow them into civilian life.

The Same Way Twice

The Same Way Twice

Every Morning

When they were in the army, soldiers had to ensure that their beds were made perfectly every morning. There’s a great benefit to this, and one of those benefits is accomplishing something right as you start the day. Try it yourself and see how much better your day will be.

Every Morning

Every Morning

Fit As A Fiddle

Keeping fit is completely necessary for the military, but it becomes a major part of your civilian life too. You’ve seen how it keeps you sharp, active and happy overall, so why wouldn’t you keep in tip-top shape after your service days are over?

Fit As A Fiddle

Fit As A Fiddle

Battle Rhythm

You know exactly what we mean we say “battle rhythm”, don’t you? The published definition by the U.S. Department of Defense is “a deliberate daily cycle of command, staff, and unit activities intended to synchronize current and future operations.”

Battle Rhythm

Battle Rhythm

Keep Calm

Nobody can deny that the men and women who had to keep their cool on the battlefield have a rather easy time keeping calm in daily life. So when it looks like everything is too overwhelming with your kids, your job, and the package you didn’t yet receive, just look over at them to see how to stay cool.

Keep Calm

Keep Calm

Super Human

When others’ lives depend on you, you go the extra mile to make sure that everyone stays out of harm’s way. This character trait remains after your army days are over – you do more than the average Joe in order to help others in need.

Camaraderie is definitely among the most important military rules. It is very important that everybody got each other’s backs, especially at times when things go wrong. Now, this has become second nature to you, at home, at the office, anywhere and everywhere. You always make sure to help others out.

Super Human

Super Human


Getting praise from a serviceman or servicewoman might not be as plentiful as getting it from regular civilians. So that means that when they do give you positive feedback it will usually be done with sincerity and in public.

Kuwait Is No Place For Complacency



If someone makes a mistake, it is important for you to call them out on in private. Even though we’re used to seeing drill sergeants scream down the throats of young soldiers, when it comes to one’s errors, that conversation is held privately.



On Your Feet

Standing on your feet during a conversation shows that you respect the other person. If someone asks you for directions or asks for the time, or even as much as says anything to you, you stand up and reply to them. The same goes for when someone walks into a room.

On Your Feet

On Your Feet