Teachers Caught Off Guard And Other Hilarious Candid Classroom Moments

Published on 04/08/2019

Teachers Caught Off Guard

Nowadays, the classroom is a really different place for teachers and students alike. Really though, so that’s why some students and teachers take it upon themselves to have some fun. Whether that’s with how they approach a lesson or grade an exam, these are prime examples of the most unexpected and candid classroom moments.

Everyday the students and teachers learn something new. Now, that something new might not always be the most valuable educationally, but it could be a valuable life lesson or humorous one. Listen, teachers work really hard. No, they don’t always get the respect they deserve, but we are going to show you all the moments from incredibly inspirational to those who just completely gave up.

Sometimes, students catch even their most respected and proper teachers off guard. Yes, it happens. So, of course we have those moments in here too. Teachers are people, and thus, they make mistakes or show their imperfect, human flaws at times as well.

Between the everyday lessons teachers need to get through in order to accomplish their task and students worrying about everything but their education degree, school can be challenging for everyone involved. Really, it isn’t always about the education degree, and that makes it extremely difficult. Somehow, teachers need to keep everyone engaged and inspire their class to pursue higher education degrees or whatever else best suits their talents and skills.

Oh and yes, technology plays a factor. No matter how hard principals, school administration in general or teachers try to prohibit certain forms of technology from interrupting the class, it usually cannot be avoided. From texting in class to phone calls in the middle of a lecture, these teachers had some pretty clever and hysterical reactions to the problem of phones in the classroom.

It’s no wonder some of these teachers look like they could desperately use a vacation. We cannot imagine the immense frustration they face, especially those dealing with teens and their technology! To all the teachers out there…we commend you! Obviously, your job is not easy, and honestly, we could not even attempt it for a day, let alone the years you all put in! Also we all have had some pretty outstanding teachers along the way. So take a moment to appreciate those educators in your life who made a difference. Now, you can dive in and enjoy laughing at these classroom moments guilt-free.

Teacher Drama

Believe it or not, teachers do fight amongst themselves. Of course, you’ve seen students getting into physical altercations in the halls or outside, but with teachers it’s a different style. If you go into the teacher’s lounge, you may even see the division between groups of teachers and hear some gossiping. Who knew? Well, sure it’s common for workplaces to have different personalities who butt heads. Thus, schools are just like any other office or workplace. Just because they are teachers, doesn’t mean they don’t have strong feelings, especially once the doors are closed.

Teacher Drama

Teacher Drama

Signature Teacher Look

Do you think part of earning your education degree includes passing a test on your teacher stare down? We all know that death glare. It’s the one you hope to never get. No matter what you did, getting that look will make you feel instant regret. Honestly, it’s worse than being yelled at. Teenagers are hard to cope with for sure. We guarantee this teacher has had some intense practice with her look!

Signature Teacher Look

Signature Teacher Look

Nicknaming The Kids

During school years, it’s fairly common for kids to earn nicknames, others nicer than others. One tiny moment and that child could have a nickname forever. Well, turns out teachers also come up with their own nicknames. Think about it, they’ve got hundreds of students and it gets difficult remembering all those names. So yes, they come up with nicknames, again some are kinder than others…

Nicknaming The Kids

Nicknaming The Kids

A Nice Break

We all have had those days when we wake up just wanting to stay in bed instead of going to work. Teachers feel you and they also need to constantly have lessons prepared. Well, that is unless they’re able to show the class a film. Remember those big televisions they would wheel in with the VHS? That’s when you know the teacher is having a rough day. Hey, putting on an “educational” movie makes their job a whole lot easier.

A Nice Break

A Nice Break

Hoping For Snow

Come on, what’s better than hearing you have off for a snow day? All the teachers hope for the same thing as soon as they see the snowflakes begin to fall. Nothing feels better than staying in your pajamas and enjoying some hot chocolate. We doubt they worry about grading papers on a snow day.

Hoping For Snow

Hoping For Snow

Parent Teacher Conferences

Sometimes, parent/teacher conferences can be well- a bit of a nightmare to speak frankly. Yet, it’s a valuable opportunity for the teachers, not just to update the parents, but observe where their students got their behavior from. Whether we admit it or not, many of us inherited a good amount from our parents. Thus, the teachers can get some further insight into why students act how they do.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences

Speedy Gonzales

It can be tricky for teachers to find time to run to the bathroom. Surely, they don’t always find time between lessons. Usually, students have questions or some stragglers take their time leaving. Next thing they know, the class is full again with their next group of students. Thus, when they go talk to another teacher or grab something, they’re also sprinting to relieve their bladders.

Speedy Gonzales

Speedy Gonzales


Sometimes a no-show can be a little bonus for the teacher. Despite their best efforts, there are some trouble students they cannot seem to get along with. Hey, teachers really are just like us! Anyway, you know this type of student they constantly interrupt the class and make teachers’ jobs a lot harder. Thus, when teachers notice they’re out for the day, they may have some internal excitement they attempt to hide. They know this day they’ll be able to get through their lesson a lot more smoothly.



Pep Talks

Usually, when you constantly think negative thoughts, you can attract negativity in your life. If kids think they’re going to fail, why would they even attempt to succeed? Teachers carefully look for those who might need a little pick me up chat. Even if the teachers don’t always tell the truth during these pep talks, they’re crucial. At times, just a little fake encouragement could help a student nail the next exam and get on track, even if teachers talk them up a bit more than they actually believe.

Pep Talks

Pep Talks

Secret Stash

Some chips, nuts or chocolate, just a little treat…yeah you usually can find a wide array of snacks in the teacher’s desk. Usually, it gets hard for the teacher to squeeze in lunch with all their other work piling up. When can they possibly find time to eat? Even if kids cannot snack in class, usually the teachers have their secret stash of snacks in case they desperately need a sugar rush to push them through the rest of their day.

Secret Stash

Secret Stash

Singing Or Lecturing?

Maybe she was trying to handle her nerves and decided to sing it out! Honestly, that sounds like a great way to cope with classroom stress, instead of screaming at the students nonstop. Hm, we wonder if she went for Beyonce, Adele or Britney Spears? Actually, we would love a teacher to serenade us to get our attention! Sounds fun.

Singing Or Lecturing@

Singing Or Lecturing?

Homework Struggles

It’s not only students who forget their homework. Obviously, working on assignments at home is not the most exciting thing, but it’s part of going to school just like grading papers and planning lessons comes with the job of teaching. However, not all teachers feel like spending their whole night reading either. Sometimes, after kids spend hours writing assignments, the teachers might just glance over the work for less than a minute before writing down a grade. Then, it’s on to the next!

Homework Struggles

Homework Struggles

Covering Up

Maybe it’s hard for you to imagine, but some teachers do have ink themselves! Yes, they are real people so some have tattoos. However, most try their best to pick outfits that will easily cover their tattoos when they’re at work. We all know how nosy students can be and teachers probably don’t want to have to explain their artwork, especially if it isn’t the most tasteful.

Covering Up

Covering Up

Not Always Truthful

Part of growing up means realizing that a lot of things adults told you were blatant lies. Yet, it’s not just the parents telling lies to kids. Sometimes, teachers can be guilty of this as well. Of course, we all have had teachers with their back turned to us that claim they can still see everything going on. Also they are quick to claim a student is hiding something. Basically, they do anything they can to keep their classroom in order.

Not Always Truthful

Not Always Truthful

Taking Bets

Students take note…when you’re chatting with a friend whether it’s talking about a crush or gossiping beware of listening ears. Yes, teachers are professional eavesdroppers and even more so, bookies! Yes, they even take bets amongst themselves on who will end up dating or falling out and all of that very common school drama. If you thought teachers had no clue what happens out of the class, guess again!

Taking Bets

Taking Bets

Fashion Critics

We all remember the days of trying bold fashion statements in school. Or perhaps, you can remember a risky haircut that you debuted. As a teacher, they see it all and watch groups of students following the latest fashion trends year after year. However, when students come to school, it’s not just their peers judging them for their outfits or hairstyles. Yup, teachers are totally guilty of this too!

Fashion Critics

Fashion Critics

Popular Kids

At times, it’s difficult to understand why and how certain people became so-called popular in school. Sometimes, these students are not the nicest or even cruel to others. Guess what? Teachers completely agree. Some claim it can be their inner teenager hoping to get back at popular girls from their own school days. Either way, some teachers have confessed to making these students’ lives a bit harder and in some cases, giving them lower grades. Admittedly, this is not the most professional but it makes them feel good.

Popular Kids

Popular Kids

Awkward Flirting

Naturally, we all have had crushes on teachers in the past. Sure, we knew nothing would happen, but sometimes, you can’t help it. Yet, students flirting with their teacher, especially in front of other students, makes for a very awkward situation. Teachers really do not appreciate this. Can you imagine being flirted with by a minor in front of other people? Not cool.

Awkward Flirting

Awkward Flirting

Work Hangovers

While students are usually abiding by a curfew, teachers are adults. So, if they choose to go out all night partying, they can. However, making this decision means facing the consequences the next day. Imagine being in charge of a rowdy class of kids the following day. Not so fun. Yet, teachers need to come in to work the next day regardless if they had one too many shots the night before.

Work Hangovers

Work Hangovers

Finding Personal Time

That quiet time during class? It’s not always for teachers to continue grading your work. At times, the teachers actually take this opportunity to do some personal errands. Whether that’s buying things online, checking emails or even paying bills, they try to get as much done when they have a spare moment. So, no they are not just sitting on social media all day! Also how would that look if another teacher came in or even the principal?

Finding Personal Time

Finding Personal Time

Joys Of Gossiping

Hey, gossip doesn’t only take place in the halls or cafeteria. Nope, teachers also bring all the juicy tidbits into the teacher’s lounge. They too spread rumors about their students. Sadly, it can become almost like a soap opera for teachers. Even if you thought your secret was only shared between close friends, the chances are high it may have already circulate in the teacher’s lounge. Thus, watch what you say in those halls.

Joys Of Gossiping

Joys Of Gossiping

Unsuspected Recording

Now, this one is a bit troubling. While it doesn’t happen with all teachers, some did confess that they have recorded their students. These teachers admitted to hitting the record button before leaving their class to hear what goes on when they aren’t there to even recording conversations amongst their students. Sadly, it’s gotten that intense at some schools. Clearly, this invasion of privacy goes beyond the standard. Any times you thoughts you and your peers were alone, you may have actually been on camera.

Unsuspected Recording

Unsuspected Recording

Teachers Are Not Above Popularity Contests

It can be hard for everyone not to get wrapped up in the school’s unofficial popularity contest. Yet, you may be alarmed to hear that even teachers can’t help but get consumed by it too. Yes, there are teachers who want the popular kids to like them. They believe if they can get those kids to love them, they can soon win over the school and become a favorite teacher.

Teachers Are Not Above Popularity Contests

Teachers Are Not Above Popularity Contests


Now, this is incredible! We really respect this teacher for letting his or her students be bold and rebellious. What a legend. Most teachers would have written back wrong or even requested to talk after class.



Playing Matchmaker

As we mentioned, teachers are not above gossiping and staying updated on the latest relationships between students. So what else is going on that you never realized? Well sometimes, teachers purposely pair a student up with his or her crush. They’re hoping with this small nudge, some awkward flirting and tense moments, the student could have a chance. Oh and it doesn’t hurt that they have free entertainment!

Playing Matchmaker

Playing Matchmaker

Playing Hooky

If you thought skipping class was just for students, think again. Yeah, even teachers are known to skip classes if they have something that needs to be done during school hours or if it’s something that simply can’t wait. Of course, they get sick or take time off, but they also have some errands. Sometimes, it goes smoothly, but there are always the times they run into a student after school and blow their cover.

Playing Hooky

Playing Hooky

Yes, They Have Their Own Drama

One of the things teachers don’t reveal to students is that they too have their own issues, troubles and drama. Just because they'[re adults, doesn’t mean they have an easy life. Actually, it’s usually more complicated than when they were younger. At times, it gets hard to conceal their emotions, but just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean teachers aren’t stressed themselves about personal matters.

Yes They Have Their Own Drama

Yes, They Have Their Own Drama

Parent And Teacher Sparks

Sure, some of the parent/teacher conferences get a bit dry, but then others can be much more exciting. Think about it, those single teachers get to meet potential partners in the single parents. Come on, teachers and parents are grown ups, so what’s wrong with a little flirting? At times, these conference nights turn into more of a speed dating as teachers get to see if they’re interesting. Wow, imagine your parent dating your teacher? Not so fun…

Parent And Teacher Sparks

Parent And Teacher Sparks

Procrastination Masters

We all recall those painful hours writing lengthy essays about subjects we could care less about. Yeah, teachers actually can relate to that pain. All of us understand the work needs to get done. However, when teachers begin grading, some of them start to regret asking you for that long answer. Yeah that means more pages for them to read and grade.

Procrastination Masters

Procrastination Masters

Wait, Teachers Are People?

Aw, man you hate and love to see it. That weird moment when you wake up to the notion that teachers are actually people. Here a student captured one teacher flirting with another. Sadly, it does not seem like the female teacher is very interested in his advances. Well, there are plenty of teachers in the halls, buddy!

Wait Teachers Are People@

Wait, Teachers Are People?

Off Time

Most likely, you’ve ran into your teacher outside of school. The real question is did you awkwardly chat with them or pretend not to notice it was your teacher? Some occasions, you were probably spotted by your teacher without you knowing it! Yeah, they can feel just as uncomfortable with seeing you out of class. After that last bell rings, they want to be free of their responsibilities and hopefully not reminded of work outside of the classroom.

Off Time

Off Time


Ever feel that a certain teacher has it out for you? Yeah, that actually happens. Whether you noticed that they always choose the same people for the fun jobs or ignore others with their hands up, there is no denying this. Teachers, just like any other people, do have their favorites. I mean it’s not totally their fault and some kids just annoy them. However, they should work to not be too biased in class; it’s only fair.



Selective Hearing

When you work as a teacher you quickly adopt certain skills like selective hearing. If you only hear certain things, you can save tons of time and ignore all of those silly answers, repeated questions or any brash remarks. If teachers act as though they haven’t even heard those ridiculous answers to begin with, then they don’t need to address them. Ignoring the comments can definitely help a teacher get through his or her day.

Selective Hearing

Selective Hearing

Having Some Fun

Remember all the times you happened to be zoning out and looking out the window and the teacher happened to call on you? Truth is, that teachers often do this on purpose and find those students not paying attention to call on. They find all those not paying attention or who probably don’t know the answer instead of those with their hands raised. Honestly, it provides them with a bit of entertainment watching the students squirm.

Having Some Fun

Having Some Fun

Online Detectives

Listen, nowadays, it’s pretty difficult to hide on social media. Maybe you have even spotted your teacher’s profile under suggested friends. Obviously, even teachers have social media profiles. Also it gives them an edge when they want to learn more about their students. Yeah, teachers are pros at online stalking. They even use it to stay up on gossip, even if they’re a bit hesitant to admit it.

Online Detectives

Online Detectives

Principal Visits

Hey, it’s not just the students that the principal scares. Even teachers get nervous when heading down to the principal’s office. They worry about what they did wrong and what the meeting is actually about. Usually, seeing the principal means trouble…for students and teachers alike. Now, think about that walk of shame for a teacher down the hall off to her boss’ office.

Principal Visits

Principal Visits

What Students Think Matters

You probably thought teachers didn’t care what students think about them…well you’re wrong. Lots of teachers admit that they have a desire for their students to like them. Sometimes, they aren’t given much of a chance, especially if they teach a subject like physics or algebra. Yet, many teachers continue to look for ways to become popular amongst their students. Come on, everyone wants to be adored!

What Students Think Matters

What Students Think Matters

Strategic Exercises

Of course, we have all had those mobile teachers up and about the whole day. However, there are also the teachers that feel chained to their desks. They sit at the computer all day grading but don’t let this fool you. A lot of these teachers try to use this time to work their lower body. Often times, they’re actually trying to sneak in a mini-workout.

Strategic Exercises

Strategic Exercises

Name That Handwriting

Even if they don’t like confronting their bias, teachers do sometimes let the name at the top affect their grading. Unfortunately, it’s a reality of life. Maybe you know these students who always get amazing grades but also seem to goof off a ton. Sometimes, teachers are sympathetic to select students and can help them with their grades when they see fit. However, they can’t help anyone if the work isn’t labeled.

Name That Handwriting

Name That Handwriting

Letting One Rip

Seriously, teachers are humans too, and they have bodily functions like anyone. At times, they need to let one out but do not have the luxury of privacy. So, yes, some teachers admitted to taking a short lap of the classroom, with the pretense of checking on the students, but taking this opportunity while they can. They just continue walking as if nothing out of the ordinary happened. By the time students catch a whiff, the teacher is probably already back at his or her desk.

Letting One Rip

Letting One Rip

Drinking The Tears

Not sure if this is funny or a little bit too creepy. We sincerely hope that this teacher does not get off on making students cry. However, we are hoping this was just a little joke to intimidate the class and even make them chuckle.

Drinking The Tears

Drinking The Tears

Trying To Get In Touch With Parents

Of course, dealing with parents are tricking. Some difficult conversations need to take place at times. You have parents who think their kids are angels, some who are just disinterested and others who make their kids a number one priority. Despite the types of parents, it can be hard to even speak with them if the student refuses to cooperate like this one…

Trying To Get In Touch With Parents

Trying To Get In Touch With Parents

Learning From Others

Students may be tempted to plagiarize and copy something from online for their work. Listen if you did copy your work, you would not be the only one in the classroom doing that…Teachers often take lesson plans either from online or their fellow teachers when they’re too busy to come up with one.

Learning From Others

Learning From Others

Sympathy For Loners

As an onlooker, it’s quite distressing to see a student eating all alone. It’s always very obvious to teachers which students do not seem to have any friends. Thus, they try to help those students who they sympathize with. Maybe that person has a unique hobby or special skill. The teacher tries to find that hidden talent and help them be more secure.

Sympathy For Loners

Sympathy For Loners

Outfit Controversy

Actually, this teacher became national news when she wore this pink dress to work. Hey, maybe she was just trying to match her classroom’s carpet. If so, she was spot on. Anyway, others saw it as inappropriate that she wore a tightly fitted dress, including parents and the faculty staff members. Where do you stand on the dress code issue? Students face the same debate! Fashion or inappropriate?

Outfit Controversy

Outfit Controversy


Not all grades can be taken at face value. Let that be a lesson. More importantly, some teachers do not always award a student the grade he or she deserves. Whether they act on personal biases or try to help a student begin to excel, no grading system is completely just.



Fear Of Bullies

One responsibility of teachers is to look after all their students. Maybe they build a special bond with one of the younger students in the group. Perhaps they feel that compulsion to help a student in need. As far as bullying goes, teachers do hear a good amount of info on all the students at the school. Even if they are supposed to deal with the bully, most admit to being a bit fearful themselves. I mean, these are the school’s most intimidating bunch.

Fear Of Bullies

Fear Of Bullies

Pain Of Standardized Tests

Naturally, you’ve heard about the debate on standardized testing and whether it’s beneficial to students or not. Is it fair to judge students by one simple score? Well, it isn’t only the parents or students that wish these tests didn’t exist. Actually, teachers who literally spend hours watching students mark in answers also aren’t huge fans. Also some agree that it’s not the most accurate way to judge all students.

Pain Of Standardized Tests

Pain Of Standardized Tests

Bad Hygiene

Being stuck sitting next to the smelly kid in class is no fun at all. Sometimes, a classroom has a strange smell that cannot exactly be identified. Apparently, teachers are really aware of which students are a bit smelly. In fact, if they get their way, the teachers send them out to the nurse’s office. That way the problem is solved for everyone.

Bad Hygiene

Bad Hygiene

Floating Torso

Whoa, how weird is that? How did that floating head and torso get there? Seriously, what’s going on? Is it a ghost? It’s writing on the board! Okay, but for real, how many people do you think pulled that on her all day? I’m sorry, those pants are just asking for camouflage jokes.

Floating Torso

Floating Torso

Beware Of Coffee Breath

It’s really hard to comprehend a lesson sometimes when it’s geared towards an entire group of people. Often times, there are students who need individual attention to fully understand whatever new lesson is being taught. Sometimes the students and teachers just need to take that plunge even if the teacher’s coffee breath is insanely intense. Sorry kids. That’s the price you pay.

Beware Of Coffee Breath

Beware Of Coffee Breath

Body Lesson

Teachers know they cannot fall into a boring old routine, or they’ll never capture their students’ attention. Competing for their attention is more important than ever with today’s fidget spinners and phones and whatever else they’re into. Now, how about that? This teacher just went for it and dedicated her outfit to the anatomy lesson because why not? Seeing the wild outfit definitely captured their attention!

Body Lesson

Body Lesson

In Case Of Emergency, Desks Can Be Beds

Alright, we know what we said before, but this student seems like they need it a bit more. Someone else clearly agreed when they captioned the photo. Listen, when life throws you lemons, try to nap it out on your desk in the back of the classroom. Naps can fix anything.

In Case Of Emergencies Desks Can Be Beds

In Case Of Emergencies, Desks Can Be Beds

Not Fooling Anyone

Seriously, who was she fooling by stacking her books on top of her sleeping back? Okay, probably no one. We doubt she even did this. Ever watch a friend fall asleep in the most inappropriate place? Well, her friends couldn’t resist a small prank when she dozed off in class. Hey, it’s not the worst they could do.

Not Fooling Anyone

Not Fooling Anyone

Talk About Commitment

Now, this teacher is hysterical! Every teacher can relate to be disappointed in student grades on exams. However, this teacher wanted to show his students just how upset he was with their performances. So, he took things to the next level and brought in a literal coffin. Apparently, it was THAT bad. Yikes.

Talk About Commitment

Talk About Commitment

A Solid Start

Everyone loves a teacher that can level with them, understand their needs, and even throw in some current slang. Sounds ideal. This professor seems to be one of those. He just gets it. Look, the first day is not about how much knowledge you can squeeze in. No, first days in college are overviews and this professor let his students know from the beginning…in and out. Surely, they did not need to hear ‘GTFO’ twice and gladly left for the day!

A Solid Start

A Solid Start

When Your School Is An Actual Joke

LOL, but literally. I’m sure most of their students already felt this way about school, and then this happened. Yup, the icing on the cake. Honestly, the school appears a bit depressing. Maybe they should opt for some more colors or even just fixing up the sign. Yeah, that would do wonders.

When Your School Is An Actual Joke

When Your School Is An Actual Joke

Fair Warning…You’re On Speaker

As we’ve been talking about a lot, teenagers cannot part ways with their precious phones. One teacher got so fed up with phones ringing in class that he came up with an amazing policy. So in his class, whenever a phone rings, he makes them answer the phone on speaker phone. We hope the students are allowed to disclose that the phone is on loudspeaker. If not, that could end pretty poorly.

Fair Warning...Youre On Speaker

Fair Warning…You’re On Speaker

Epic Photobomb

Teachers…they’re just like us! Just as weird that is! Actually, teachers are kind of like parents in that way. Seriously, they live to embarrass students. What could be more awkward and embarrassing than a teacher who photobombed your picture? Not to mention, he’s hiding in a closet. We hope he didn’t hop in there just for the picture…

Epic Photobomb

Epic Photobomb

Keeping It Real

Real authentic to the historical lesson at hand that is! Teachers really love to go the extra mile to make their subjects understood. Sometimes, it’s particularly hard to make history feel relevant to students. That’s why this committed teacher went all out with chain mail and sword! Sacrificing comfort for authenticity, you have to respect that.

Keeping It Real

Keeping It Real

That’s Hot

I guess writing no exceptions did not quite cut it. Teens always think they can finagle their way out of something or invent some bizarre reason they need an exception. Not with this teacher. She’s so serious, she’s willing to set fires. She’s on to your tricks of bigger font so longer papers! Don’t mess with her.

Thats Hot

That’s Hot


Teachers like to try different approaches to motivate students to study and do well. In our opinion, this approach seems a bit hard, but that’s just us. I mean, I guess they’re trying to teach the kids a lesson. Still, there may be a better approach to that. What a wake up call every time you look at the clock in this class though!



Um, Okay Then

It’s not just students who want to stand out and feel special. Teachers are just like them! Look, this teacher could not be satisfied with another classic looking school picture. To be fair, he’s probably spent many years having to pose for the yearbook. We can’t blame him for wanting to do something a bit different. Fake bird, why not!

Um Okay Then

Um, Okay Then

Very Punny

When things get a bit overwhelming, why not introduce some humor? That’s clearly what happened here. Listen, teachers cannot be available every second for any student in need. They aren’t just waiting around for students. They have work to do too! Anyway, this sassy teacher decided to go with a pun to get his message across, and we’re here for it. Seriously, who doesn’t love Christopher Walken?

Very Punny

Very Punny

Someone Came Prepared

When things get intense, rip open your shirt! Well, that is if you came prepared with the perfect undershirt to represent all your current frustrations with your students. This teacher surely did! I mean, it’s a guarantee that students will repeat each other and continually ask the same things. Honestly, this shirt is pretty smart.

Someone Came Prepared

Someone Came Prepared

Fun With Mariachi

Teachers need to have thick skin. I mean teenagers cannot help themselves with pranks. It’s only natural to expect that when working in a middle or high school. Well, these students really took things to the next level. Thus, they hired a Mariachi band to trail their headmistress the entire school day. Sounds incredible! Luckily, she was able to laugh and not be too bothered.

Fun With Mariachi

Fun With Mariachi

Sometimes You Reach That Point

Teaching is usually a lifelong career. Therefore, teachers earn their education degrees and then once they leave college, they find a teaching job. We guarantee this teacher has been working in schools for decades. Sometimes the job just wears on you. This teacher was not feeling it and kindly asked what the students wanted for a grade. Hey, we wish we had a teacher like that!

Sometimes You Reach That Point

Sometimes You Reach That Point


Every teacher has a point where they hit their low and just cannot deal with their students for one second longer. Clearly, this teacher hit his breaking point. Listen, it’s not fun for teachers either when no on participates. They just want to have a productive day too. He needed a break and some air so he went right out that window. Fastest solution. Good for him!



Sorry Not Sorry

As a teacher, you spend much of your time repeating yourself…over and over and over again. No texting, no sleeping in class, turn in your work on time! Then, when students don’t care to listen you need to put your foot down. Sorry, but this teacher will not accept late work. You know who is accepting late work? The trash can.

Sorry Not Sorry

Sorry Not Sorry

Kind Gesture

School is also exhausting for students. Test and exams back to back, not to mention their afterschool sports and activities. It can be hard to balance it all. That’s why they really appreciate when teachers throw them a bone. Seriously, just this small gesture of giving the students at least one extra question is greatly appreciated.

Kind Gesture

Kind Gesture

Always Remember

There’s just so much to teach kids. Sometimes, you get overwhelmed with the crucial information out there. Teachers can also become overwhelmed trying to pass on all the vital knowledge. Maybe this teacher got so overwhelmed they could only think of the most obvious thing to remember. Always, we repeat, always remember the Alamo, if nothing else! (We’re guessing this was a history/social studies teacher.)

Always Remember

Always Remember

Way To Kill Our Dreams

Sadly, this teacher went right for the gut with this hard truth. Sorry kids, but this teacher is not willing to play along with any fantasies. Nope, time for students to learn the way the world really works. This astronomy teacher wants to make sure every student knows at least the basics of the universe, instead of perpetuating lies like wishing upon a star. Thank you for killing all those dreams and wishes, kind sir.

Way To Kill Our Dreams

Way To Kill Our Dreams

Unique Strategy

What’s the worst time of the year for teachers and students alike? Probably, parent/teacher conferences. Well, for some students it is anyway. This clever teacher hoped to take advantage of the anxiety surrounding this time by offering a tempting menu. Any takers?

Unique Strategy

Unique Strategy

Hard Truth

Grading papers is not fun. There’s no question about it. No teacher enjoys spending their off-time working on marking up their students’ papers. Anyway, this teacher labeled her work very, very honestly. Not sure how this teacher’s students feel about seeing their hard work labeled this way.

Hard Truth

Hard Truth

Was Not Expecting This

Teachers truly love their puns! However, have you ever seen something quite like this? I mean whenever students spot a substitute teacher they essentially act the same way they would if it were only some shrubbery at the front of the class anyway. Maybe this didn’t even make a difference.

Was Not Expecting This

Was Not Expecting This

Owning Up To Their Errors

Hey, before you get too bothered about the injustice of this, read the fine print. Within the disclaimer, we learn the crucial information that the students willingly posted these. How funny is that and amazing that the students were willing to shame themselves? Hopefully, it made a difference and motivated them to change things the next time around.

Owning Up To Their Errors

Owning Up To Their Errors

Teachers Stooping Low

Come on, it’s just a harmless small prank. The teacher really couldn’t help himself when this student dozed off in the very first row. We wonder how long it took the student to realize this when he woke up. Hopefully, he didn’t faceplant! Ouch!

Teachers Stooping Low

Teachers Stooping Low

Rethinking Things

Too far? Way to crush someone’s hopes and dreams. This teacher really was not impressed by the student’s performance. It must have been pretty lousy for the teacher to attach an application for McDonald’s. No one wants to see that…

Rethinking Things

Rethinking Things

Just A Cat Nap

It’s not only students who find themselves falling asleep in the classroom. Yes, even teachers can find themselves dozing off in the middle of class. They’re working long hours that do not end when the last bell rings. Hey, it’s hard work being in charge of so many students every day! Give him a break.

Just A Cat Nap

Just A Cat Nap

Two Can Play That Game

Hey, we have to give this teacher props for being up to date on the latest trends. When the student wrote down the abbreviation for ‘You only live once,’ the teacher shot back with hilarious hashtags. Hopefully, they were able to level with the student using hashtags. Humor and slang can go a long way!

Two Can Play That Game

Two Can Play That Game

Don’t Mess With This Teacher

Sometimes, over the days and months and years, anger and frustration builds up. Teachers really need to release all this built up emotion somehow. Turns out, this teacher took it out on the unlucky wasp.

Dont Mess With This Teacher

Don’t Mess With This Teacher

Know Your Place

Being a music teacher has its own unique challenges. One of those is keeping the class under control and not aggressively pounding on all the instruments without care. Thus, this teacher got a bit sassy in her warning sign. She reminded all the students where they stand.

Know Your Place

Know Your Place

That’s Just Cruel

Honestly, just reading this takes us back to our test-taking days. We can feel the panic in his students’ eyes from here!!! Really, this seems to be a bit too much. That’s just us because we understand the pains of test anxiety. Some teachers just can’t help themselves.

Thats Just Cruel

That’s Just Cruel


Listen, we’ve discussed how difficult the job can be. Clearly, this teacher just had it with the class that day. I mean look, it’s not easy when your entire class isn’t listening. Also we guarantee everyone is not using their devices for schoolwork only. Poor man.



Read Carefully

Taking test after test can really wear on a person. Sometimes, students just want to zip through their exams and not worry about reading or following directions. However, this teacher is trying to reteach students how to read directions carefully. Actually, this is really funny considering how many students probably went through these embarrassing steps!

Read Carefully

Read Carefully

Pretty Convincing

Just like students have to feign interest in subjects they could care less about, this teacher pretended to care about office hours. Clearly, the office hours were not a priority for this teacher on that day. Maybe she was sick of sitting around waiting when no one would ever show up. We have to give her credit for creating an almost convincing body double.

Pretty Convincing

Pretty Convincing

Ultimate Spoiler Alert

What’s the best way to get a classroom full of high schoolers to quiet down? This teacher cracked the code. Apparently, it’s to start revealing huge spoilers for the hit HBO show, Game of Thrones. Makes sense.

Ultimate Spoiler Alert

Ultimate Spoiler Alert

But Actually

Now, this teacher just got completely honest with their students. Listen, it just looks weird. You have to imagine seeing someone text from his point of view. Yeah, he pretty much nailed that visual. You guys are not fooling anyone…just don’t do it.

But Actually

But Actually


We all have need, but some obviously come first. So, yeah a pleasant smell from the air freshener…it’s more important than anyone’s personal needs for charging a phone. Seriously, we don’t even want to know how that classroom full of sweaty adolescents would be if that were unplugged. Not cool!



No Parents No Rules

Once you enter the magical world of college, you don’t need to follow such a strict code of conduct. I mean there aren’t uniforms or strict dress codes, and that applies to professors too, despite any misconceptions. This professor has taken full advantage. Everyday is pajama day! We are so in!

No Parents No Rules

No Parents No Rules

No One Is Safe

Listen your naive threats have no leverage here. Sorry, but the teddy bear had to die. Teachers cannot worry about who wants an A the most, they need to remain honest and stay principled. Thus, that sometimes means killing the teddy bear. Sorry!

No One Is Safe

No One Is Safe

Everyone Is A Belieber

That’s one way to shame people into never forgetting a writing utensil again. Honestly, some of the students might not mind sporting this Belieber pencil. You never know who’s a fan!

Everyone Is A Belieber

Everyone Is A Belieber