Amish: Facts Everyone Needs To Know About Them

Published on 03/14/2018
Slideshow Amish


If you’ve spent some time in Pennsylvania, chances are you’ve seen the Amish people. Maybe you’ve see them with their horse and buggy or selling items in a local market. There’s a lot to be curious about since they lead such different lives than most of American society. Overall, people only seem to know that they’re friendly, very religious and unique. There’s only about 318,400 living in America and Canada. We’re hear to tell you about everything from misconceptions about their religious views and technology-free lives to the Rumaspringa years and perspective on outsiders.

Electricity And The Amish

First let’s talk about their relationship with electricity. It’s not that every Amish person avoids ALL forms of electricity. You can find different Amish communities that are more conservative and others that have decided to use some electricity. Regardless, most Amish will agree to use electricity in emergency scenarios or even work and whatever they determine is necessary. Now, to the reasoning behind their refusal to use electricity and technology. Due to “Gelassenheit,” which is German for ‘letting be,’ they believe the Earth must stay as God intended. Thus, they created a philosophy that avoids modern innovations.

Electricity And The Amish

Electricity And The Amish

Facial Hair

Looking at the Amish men, people immediately notice their incredibly long bears, but oddly, they have cleanly shaven faces besides the beard. Since they believe they need to live as God created them, they choose not to shave their hair. However, shaving their mustache is the exception. During the 1800’s, mustaches were associated with military or wealthy men. Thus, the Amish wanted to separate themselves from the mainstream society and those who waged war. That’s when they forbid Amish men from growing mustaches.

Facial Hair

Facial Hair

Labeling Outsiders

No matter what you look like or where you are from, the Amish will refer to you as an English person. This tradition dates back to when they first settled in North America. All those the Amish came into contact with were settlers who spoke English. Thus, they referred to them as English and as with much of their customs, they never bothering changing it from years ago. So all outsiders are English to them.

Labeling Outsiders

Labeling Outsiders

Free Pass For Teens

As parents, even the Amish understand that teenagers go through a rebellious stage. Despite being a very isolated and secluded community, they do not expect their teens to be perfect. They let them get into some trouble. They sort of get a free pass because the elder Amish do not want to lose them from the community. Now, let’s get into what exactly this looks like for them.

Free Pass For Teens

Free Pass For Teens

Rumspringa Means Running Around

Surely, you’ve heard about the Amish Rumspringa. The word translates to ‘running around.’ Basically, every teen goes through this rite of passage. It’s essentially what the Amish use to refer to the period of adolescence. Between 14 and 18, teens are permitted to try out ‘English’ life, including technology. This all happens before baptism into the church, that’s why for their indiscretions they are not punished severely.

Rumspringa Means Running Around

Rumspringa Means Running Around

Amish Teens Take On The World

Now, contrary to popular belief the Rumspringa can last for a variety of time. It isn’t simply one year as some mistakenly believe. Actually, when these Amish adolescents go out into the world they are given free reign to explore everything non-Amish from technology to partying. Yes, some may return back within a week or two, but others stay out in the real world for years until returning to join the Amish faith. For some it’s a shocking and even frightening experience, but regardless, they all learn a great deal.

Amish Teens Take On The World

Amish Teens Take On The World

Majority Of Them Choose Home

At the end of it all, most end up choosing the Amish lifestyle. It’s somewhere between 80 and 90 percent that end up returning to the Amish life once their Rumspringa concludes. After their return, they get baptized and officially join the Amish faith. Of course, there is that small percentage that chose to stay in the outside world. However, that does not necessarily mean they cannot return and become baptized eventually.

Majority Of Them Choose Home

Majority Of Them Choose Home

What’s With The Creepy Dolls?

Wow, these dolls are not exactly what we’re used to seeing children play with! Well, there’s a reason that the Amish children are given these faceless dolls. Actually, the simple, homemade toys teach them a moral lesson. Apparently, the faceless doll shows young children that someone’s looks are not important. That’s an interesting choice for how to teach that lesson.

Whats With The Creepy Dolls@

Whats With The Creepy Dolls?

Only Memories To Revisit

Sure, the Amish don’t have Facebooks and Instagrams. We know that! However, you may not have known that besides just cameras, they don’t even allow any paintings! Consider when a family member or friend dies. The Amish do not even have any photos or paintings of them to reminisce with. All they have are their memories since photos or paintings of people are considered graven images and not permitted. Wow, that’s intense!

Only Memories To Revisit

Only Memories To Revisit

One Night To Share A Bed While Dating

When Amish begin dating you may be surprised to hear that their parents actually encourage them to sleep together. Well, it isn’t sleeping together in the modern sense, per say. Amish couples will take part in something called bundling, in which a boy and girl share a bed for one night. Although they sleep fully clothed, the Amish believe this is a crucial moment during which the couple will bond. They stay separated but while ‘sleeping’ side by side they are supposed to chat all night and strengthen their bond.

One Night To Share A Bed While Dating

One Night To Share A Bed While Dating

No Arranged Marriages

There are a lot of misconceptions about the Amish and arranged marriage is one of them. In fact, the Amish are not forced to marry certain people. In the same way that they have the choice of joining the church, the Amish choose who they want to marry. While they do not arrange marriages, they do need to marry someone within their community.

No Arranged Marriages

No Arranged Marriages

Only Churchgoers Can Date

People who know about the Amish know that it’s only acceptable to date within the Amish community. They need a partner who is fully committed to the faith and lifestyle. Actually, Amish cannot even date someone unless they have been baptized into the Amish faith. Not just that, they cannot begin dating until they officially join the community via the church. Also dating can only take place in public places.

Only Churchgoers Can Date

Only Churchgoers Can Date

Engagements Must Be Approved First

In the Amish community, couples cannot just up and decide to get married themselves. Though, it does not generally take very long for a couple to become engaged once they start dating. Once a man proposes, both man and woman must get the engagement approved by the Amish church. After the church blesses the couple, they can marry and their wedding announcement gets posted in the town newsletter.

Engagements Must First Be Approved

Engagements Must Be Approved First

Weddings Are Simple

As you may have suspected, the Amish keep their weddings very simple. When the man proposing he isn’t doing so with a huge, expensive diamond ring. No, that would be a sure sign of vanity and not in line with their principles. Furthermore, the bride herself will not even wear makeup or jewelry at the wedding. They cover her hair and she wears a very simple blue dress. Weddings can be hours long. Most times, they take place during the fall.

Weddings Are Simple

Weddings Are Simple

Not Your Typical Honeymooon

Wow, we have to give the couple props for putting up with this tradition. I mean how would you cope with honeymooning at your parent’s home or if you’re the male, honeymooning at your new in-laws’ house? Yes, they actually spend the wedding night at the bride’s parents’ home. Then the next morning the couple cleans the home as a thank you.

Not Your Typical Honeymoon

Not Your Typical Honeymoon

More On The Honeymoon

Now, they don’t spend a whole week there or anything. Actually, after that first night, the couple moves onto the next place. For the entire honeymoon they move to each relative’s home as wife and husband. In the case they don’t own their own place yet, then they move into the bride’s parent’s home until they do have their own place.

More On The Honeymoon

More On The Honeymoon

Barn Building

When a neighbor needs a barn, the Amish community comes together to lend a helping hand. Yes, the community actually builds one together. Barn raising is a very common practice in their community for anyone who needs a barn. However, you have to consider how different this is from construction we know. They do all of this without cranes or any electrical equipment. The whole purpose of barn raising is to demonstrate one’s selflessness, dedication to help others and commitment to the commandment love thy neighbor.

Barn Building

Barn Building

They Rarely Get Cancer

Now, we can’t say that the Amish have discovered a cure for cancer, but they do seem to have coincidentally found some ways to prevent the disease. Strangely enough, living within the Amish community means a decreased chance of getting cancer and some other serious illnesses. People believe the reason for this is that they only consume organic food they grow themselves. In addition, they do not drink alcohol or even smoke cigarettes, so that helps too!

They Rarely Get Cancer

They Rarely Get Cancer


All those living in the Amish community are fluent in three languages. Can you guess their native language? It’s German! That’s because when the group first came to America they vowed they would preserve their traditions from the homeland (Germany). Included in these precious traditions was the Germany language. In fact, all their religious services are held in German, and lots of their beloved traditions come from a German word. So, let’s get to the other two languages!



The Other Languages

Besides German, the Amish can speak Pennsylvania Dutch and English of course. Since English is the language of America, they need the skill for business. In addition, they use English in school and obviously, for speaking with outsiders. Oh and Pennsylvania Dutch is a type of German they used during their everyday affairs.

The Other Languages

The Other Languages

Baptized When Considered Old Enough

Once the person is deemed old enough, that’s when they will be baptized. Amish believe, unlike other religions that baptize at birth or when you’re a toddler, one must ‘choose’ to join the faith. Some see this as giving independence to their people to make the decision on faith. Typically, Amish are baptized between 16 and 24. One could also argue that it’s not much of a choice if choosing not to join the church means being separated from your family and all you have known. Now, let’s get into where these guidelines come from.

Baptized When Considered Old Enough

Baptized When Considered Old Enough

Strict Rules

Now, there’s a whole lot to keep track of with everything the Amish need to follow in their lives. However, there are only two main places they get their rules from and that’s the bible and something called the Ordnung. The word Ordnung comes from German and means discipline or order. They live by this book, which tells them everything they’re permitted to do and what they can’t do daily. If anyone breaks a rule from the Ordnung, then they must face the punishment.

Strict Rules

Strict Rules

Mennonite Versus Amish

If you see a bonnet, it may not be an Amish woman. In fact, Mennonites often get mistaken for Amish. While the two are similar, they’re not exactly the same religious community. Let’s break this down because apparently, they find it offensive to confuse the two. While the Mennonites are also Christian, they’re not as strict. Thus, they live in modern communities and don’t isolate themselves. In fact, they drive cars and have modern technology in their lives. Sometimes, you cannot even spot a Mennonite from their attire.

Mennonite Versus Amish

Mennonite Versus Amish

Severe Consequences

When most people hear Amish, they immediately think about how the Amish banish members. This is called ‘Meidung.’ As we emphasized, the Amish people take everything the Ordnung says very, very seriously! Thus, when a member of the community breaks a rule written in the Ordnung, there are repercussions the person must face. So, yes one of these consequences happens to be Meidung, which means that person will be shunned from the Amish community. They really mean business!

Severe Consequences

Severe Consequences

The Ultimate Punishment

Yes, being completely excommunicated from the community is something very common to the community. However, when one is excommunicated it places them in the Bann, thus, even their close friends and family will now look at them as an outsider. Of course, it depends on the ‘crime’ or offense, but one can be shunned for a period of days, weeks or months. This harsh punishment is meant to demonstrate how wrong the person’s act was and allow them to come to terms with that and apologize. Wow, that’s one way to get people to stay in line!

The Ultimate Punishment

The Ultimate Punishment

Keeping It Simple

Naturally, you don’t expect to see an Amish person at the mall. Well, why exactly is that? It’s because according to their principles, they need to avoid selfishness and vanity. The Amish want everyone in the community to be equal. Thus, women wear the same simple dresses, and Amish men dress in a plain shirt with standard black pants. Things they won’t wear are makeup, accessories, jewelry or even patterns. However, they do get to wear a bonnet or a hat. Sounds like a strict school uniform!

Keeping It Simple

Keeping It Simple


Sadly, inbreeding is an unfortunate consequence of their small community. Since they need to only marry other Amish, the choices are sometimes limited. However, the Amish do not actively select their cousins as mates. Yet, there’s a very high chance they’re related to their spouse and inbreeding does occur in large rates.



DNA Testing Is Deemed Heresy

Another reason it’s incredibly easy for Amish to unknowingly marry a relative is because DNA testing is against the Amish rules. So the reality that they’re marrying someone with shared genes is often unbeknownst to them. The belief goes, if inbreeding happens, it must be the will of God. They just try not to think about it. Hm, seems a bit off, but to each his own.

DNA Testing Is Deemed Heresy

DNA Testing Is Deemed Heresy

Amish Potlucks

On a more lighter note, the Amish are also known for their community potlucks. They love sharing within the community, and these communal meals are very crucial. At the potluck, each individual will bring a dish to the huge table. Actually, they do this very often and use it as a time to catch up people. While the women and men converse, all the youth take advantage of the time to socialize.

Amish Potlucks

Amish Potlucks

Limited Education

Everyone finishes school by 8th grade, so high school dropouts? Not quite because they never even enter high school! Anyway, education is not a priority for the Amish. By the time they finish eighth grade, men will have picked a profession. Oh and the women? They become full time housekeepers. Apparently, learning geography, history, science and math does not feel relevant to them.

Limited Education

Limited Education

No Fancy Churches

When you go to the Amish country, you won’t find any stained glass, gorgeous churches anywhere. As you probably picked up by this point, they are not a showy kind of people. So this also extends to their cathedrals and churches. Actually, they don’t even require a church. They believe the bible can be taught anywhere. Seriously, the Amish church service can be taken anywhere, as we will get to!

No Fancy Churches

No Fancy Churches

Services Any and Everywhere

As we were saying, church service can take place anywhere for the Amish. Whether it’s inside someone’s house or right outside on the beautiful green grass, a service can be held there! At the services, you won’t find candles, organs or even altars. Although those things are typically found in other churches, the Amish keep things very simple.

Services Any And Everywhere

Services Any And Everywhere

View On Other Religions

Although the Amish are very different in their practice of religion, they do not look down upon other religions. Since arrogance is a sin to them, it’s very important they do not feel boastful about their church. Though they are a bit skeptical of other religions, but they make sure to try to respect other religions and especially different types of Christianity. Also criticizing other religions would be calling theirs superior and for them that would be a sin of presuming to understand God’s will.

View On Other Religions

View On Other Religions

Unsurprisingly, They Do Not Allow Birth Control

Yeah, no surprise here, but the Amish do not allow contraceptives such as birth control. Instead they believe in what they refer to as God’s will. So, whatever happens, having 2 or 20 kids is just what God intended, according to them. For the Amish, having a big family is actually one of their goals. In fact, pregnancy itself is an actual blessing from the Lord. Within each family you can find an average of 5 to 7 kids.

Unsurprisingly They Do Not Allow Birth Control

Unsurprisingly, They Do Not Allow Birth Control

Huge Pacifists

Naturally, you never see an Amish person in uniform. Well, that’s because they are extreme pacifists. Like the famous Quakers of Pennsylvania, the Amish people are completely against all types of violence. They will work to maintain peace at any cost without using force. Due to this, they avoid military service. Their belief is that any war is bad.

Huge Pacifists

Huge Pacifists

They Seek Medical Treatment

Wondering about the Amish and medical treatment? Well, they’re not like certain cults or groups who refuse to seek any medical treatment and don’t trust medicine. Even though they’re against using electricity and technology, the one modern thing they’ll partake in is the medical system. However, the Amish tend to prefer natural remedies, but use modern medicine when it’s necessary. So that means if someone gets really ill, they’re willing to bring them to a doctor or even hospital. Actually, the bible doesn’t say anything about medical treatment being bad.

They Seek Medical Treatment

They Seek Medical Treatment

Central Belief

There’s one simple but very important principle all Amish use as a sort of golden rule. It says, “Be ye not conformed to this world.” The saying comes from the bible verse Romans 8:12. Essentially, the Amish interpret it to mean they will not conform to any worldly things. Thus, the Amish have chosen to seclude themselves from everything they associate with the modern world.

Central Belief

Central Belief

Amish Origins

Back in the early 1700s, the term Amish was a term of disgrace used by Jakob Ammann’s opponents. Wait, let’s back up a bit. So the Swiss Anabaptist church member Jacob Ammann became a somewhat controversial figure. His teachings actually led to the European Mennonite church splitting. Ammann preached a simple life of loving the community and following the bible as he saw correct. Thus, the Amish were born.

Amish Origins

Amish Origins

Over A Quarter Million In United States

Back in the 1700’s, the Amish first began to immigrate from Europe to America. Most of them came from Germany. Although the group first settled just in the state of Pennsylvania, now the Amish can be found in over 28 states in the United States. Right now, there are more than 250,000 who live in America. Even today, Amish are continually moving out west.

Over A Quarter Million In United States

Over A Quarter Million In United States

Divided Into Two Orders

Starting around 1862, some conferences started to be held by the Amish to talk about their place in modern society and church. As innovations and technology progressed, the Amish wanted to decide their place amongst a transforming world. Thus, a more progressive branch of Amish people split from the group and began a new more modern branch. Meanwhile, a conservative group of Amish decided that wanted to isolate themselves completely from any innovations to come. Now, that older conservative group is the Old Order Amish Mennonite Church or Old Order Amish.

Divided Into Two Orders

Divided Into Two Orders

Amish Versus Mennonite

Now, stay with us for this and we will break down the Amish and Mennonite divisions for you. Well, the founder as we said was actually an Anabaptist. Within the Ananbaptist faith, a few different Anabaptists divisions branched off and formed the Mennonites and Amish. Actually, the Amish really split from the Mennonite church. Now, just so you know Amish Anabaptists do follow some of the same beliefs as Mennonite Anabaptists. Both think their members must be baptized as adults since children aren’t seen as capable of deciding themselves. Yet, the Mennonites do have some big differences in their beliefs. For example, Mennonites have embraced technology in certain ways, which is drastically different from the Amish. Also, Mennonites dress differently, wearing more modern but simple clothing.

Amish Versus Mennonite

Amish Versus Mennonite

Property To Youngest Son

Throughout history, you mostly hear about the eldest son inheriting property. However, the Amish have a very different tradition. Amish pass their property or farm on to the youngest son. The logic behind this is that once the parents retire, most of the older kids have moved out and started their lives. Also, men are the breadwinners and thus, they would never pass on their property to their daughters.

Property To Youngest Son

Property To Youngest Son

Pictures Or Not?

Of course, you always need to be cautious about taking photos when visiting an Amish community. Amish are not permitted to use cameras or keep pictures of themselves. However, there’s a whole different set of rules when it comes to outsiders taking their picture. Some actually allow it, while others just refuse to be photographed. In general, the Amish that are okay with their picture being taken usually do not like to pose for videos or pictures.

Pictures Or Not@

Pictures Or Not?

Phone Policy

Now, this one may be surprising but some of the Amish communities do permit phones. These Amish understand the importance of phones in the case of emergencies. Thus, some allow a single phone to be shared between a few different families. However, they must never bring that phone into their home. Instead, it’s kept in a shack or barn. Now, the Mennonites sometimes do not abstain from technologies and therefore, this isn’t an issue.

Phone Policy

Phone Policy

Vocational Schooling

Although Amish only go to school through 8th grade, they do learn some real life skills. Actually, some see their society as a sort of vocational school. The whole community teaches the young Amish how to do various jobs, acting like a vocational school. From learning how to be carpenters, tradesmen, homemakers or farmers, the youth learns a multitude of trades. Some claim it’s like college, Amish style, since they enter the workforce after.

Vocational Schooling

Vocational Schooling

Separation Of Church And State

Throughout history, the idea that church and state need to be separated has been debated worldwide. Wondering the Amish’s stance? They think the two need to remain separate. However, they feel God’s word comes before the government’s rule. Thus, they decline to accept Social Security benefits or even any public funding. You already know they don’t join the army, but did you know they also do not swear oaths? Amish reject all authority figures, believing that the church is the only and ultimate authority.

Separation Of Church And State

Separation Of Church And State

Punishment For Crime

Now, when it comes to crime, they want the church to handle discipline. Since church comes before government, they want to handle all issues internally. Many people criticize this about the Amish because they do not report crimes that are committed. Usually, they want the church to handle these situations instead of police authorities. Yet, they occasionally report crimes if they’re serious.

Punishment For Crime

Punishment For Crime

No Music

Obviously, the Amish do not own iPods or radios, but they cannot even make music! If the Amish were to play an instrument, that would be considered self-expression. According to the Amish, self-expression could lead to pride. Hey, some may agree that celebrity musicians do have a bit of pride. However, it sounds like a pretty tough life to live without music. Could you do it?

No Music

No Music

Special Singing

Well, the Amish do sing, but their church singing is not like anything you’ve ever imagined. The Amish take their songs from something called Ausbunch. This is oldest Protestant church hymnal in use. Basically, it’s their High German church songbook. In fact, their songs do not go according to specific musical notes, but rather are church tunes passed through the generations.

Special Singing

Special Singing

Wedding Dresses Are Worn Weekly

For most women, they wear their special wedding dress one time and then it hangs in a closet for years. Well, the Amish women sew their own dresses. Some Amish groups require the dress be blue. Anyway, after her wedding that becomes her Sunday dress that she wears weekly. Oh and the women are buried in their wedding dresses too. However, Mennonite Anabaptist women, although modest in dress, have more variety in their style, and some dress totally modern.

Wedding Dresses Are Worn Weekly

Wedding Dresses Are Worn Weekly

Help Each Other With Medical Bills

Even though Amish are willing to go for medical treatment, they do not have health insurance. Thus, their medical bills can be quite expensive. Luckily, there’s a whole community of people willing to pitch in to cover the costs when someone falls ill. Actually, they choose a leader to raise funds and do not cease until the bill is paid.

Help Each Other With Medical Bills

Help Each Other With Medical Bills

Cars Are Prohibited

Since cars are technology, the Amish cannot own or drive them. However, they are allowed to have another person drive them for business or social meetings. Cars are considered a serious threat to the Amish lifestyle. Amish believe cars might tempt a person to leave the faith, since it grants them access to the outside world.

Cars Are Prohibited

Cars Are Prohibited

Depend On Each Other

Another reason cars are seen as a threat is that cars would make Amish people less dependent on one another. The entire community is very close. Thus, everyone depends on each other. Neighbors always do favors for each other. Yet, the Amish worry if people had cars, they would not need their neighbors as much.

Depend On Each Other

Depend On Each Other

Women Are Subservient

When it comes to gender roles, the Amish are what some would call old-fashioned. They see women as subservient and in need of a man to care for them. For women, they must become a housewife. They are not permitted to be deacons, preachers, bishops or anything else really. The church, their family and community come first for them, thus, they are told to care for those things. Also, their husbands often make decisions for them.

Women Are Subservient

Women Are Subservient